[air] Which way will the Krapis sway swing or Vote Trite and True

Day 4,794, 16:58 Published in USA USA by Trite of the northern Penguins

chickensguys crusade for another term was so so close at hand, but his close confidant clucked the one dimension (missing the point) multi banter enough to bring another pony to the race. will chickensguys reign in his jockey in time to have a chance or will the concession stand be busy ...

missing the point; as Krapis was played, Gnilraps was not (but remained active), now Gnilraps is being played, Krapis is not (but remains active).

Remember Max and his commune scheme to ruin the eco-module, now it is a account commune scheme to control the top five ... and then finally the puppet master can rest his weary wallet, not sure when or why he let it get away from him, but glad a semblance of control as been restored (with the game's heart beating it must have appeared as though it was his blood ...)

Trite on and consider voting the trite on movement for a better imagine-nation!