You've got a choice - don't waste it!

Day 1,069, 07:09 Published in Belarus Poland by Ravdir
KLUBOKAWIARNIA - Belarusian edition*
*in english 🙂

Hello eBelarus!

Tommorow is the most important day in eBelarusian history. I know that it sounds pathetic, but that's right. Congressional elections will determine the direction of development of Belarus. And I want you, real Belarusians to consider whether you want to live well with neighbours.
I bet that Russians are large part of eBelarusian population. Unfortunately. As we can se, currently there is no Russia in the New World. That means they need an ally in middle east Europe, cause in this region, their alliance, Phoenix is totally weak. They lost war with Poland so i suppose they intend to win elections in eBelarus to protect western borders of their native regions (if they recapture them someday...).
I don't recommend to stick with Phoenix, cause only one of our neighbours is Phoenix-friendly. That is Lithuania. You don't need to be afraid of them. As Poland showed month ago, they can be erased from the map anytime.

Funny, eh?

So, there are few simple conclusions - Russia is weak, Phoenix is weak and you have such a bad luck - Belarus is located between Poland and Russia. That excludes the possibility of being neutral.
In my opinion, choice is not so difficult. Poland is one of the strongest e-countries - isn't it obvious that cooperation with Poles will bring only benefits?

I want eBelarus to be strong and stable. We need to form National Bank and ministries quickly. We need strong allies and than we can prepare baby boom. I belive that eBelarus will become important player on the international area.

Choose right way,
25. October,
VOTE hubertuses, Svabodnaya Bielarus.

I am absolutely uninfluenced candidate. I'm not even a politican, but a diplomat.
Thank you for your support.

Kochanych [nielicznych] subskrybentów proszę o vote (zarówno artykułu jak i podczas wyborów). Od dłuższego czasu niczego nie publikuję przez bezsensowne zmiany w module prasowym, ale gdy tylko sytuacja ulegnie poprawie, obiecuję jeszcze bardziej się starać o wasze uznanie.
Z chętnymi do zagłosowania bardzo chętnie dogadam się w kwestii transportu. Pozwólcie komuś niezależnemu reprezentować Polskę w Białoruskim kongresie! 🙂