Women, and what to do with them

Day 500, 19:33 Published in USA USA by Aren Perry

Specifically, vote them into office!!

Why you say? let me informally run over the reasons.

Overall Reason #1

Princess Reason #1

I support PrincessMedyPi and Tiacha for the next president of the United States. PrincessMedyPi has been faithfully supporting our government for a long time. Her duties in the cabinet as Head of the Welcoming Committee and her constant work and participation as a congresswoman (four times) tells me she will be an active and communicative Princess and President. Those are only two of the things in which she has been involved in, I know she is also a New Player Mentor and I know the list goes on from there.

Princess Reason #2

As a member of the UIP, Princess brings with her the ability to unite the nation under the banner of neither liberal nor conservative. Her position as a middle of the way candidate provides her the advantage of being able to work with both sides of the table.

Think about it, who really has a problem with PrincessMedyPi in our nation? Anybody?

It's because Princess has always been a pleasure to work with even in the tense society of congress.

Tiacha Reason #1

Tiacha has always had a clear head on her shoulders, her articles on how-to and what to do for new players as the head of the DoE are always clear, concise, and well put together. She has shown her ability to guide the nation through how well she has been a big help and support to the Federalist Party as PP and as VP of the Federalists as well. She has been a marine, and is current chair of Government Oversight Committee.

Tiacha Reason #2

She has done it all and provides a very well rounded VP choice, one that has been involved in the military and government and has much experience with the cabinet.

Reason #3 for both

In fact, both of them have much cabinet experience. This is one thing that a lot of other President hopeful's don't have. Because of this, I know that they can run concise and organized cabinets, providing the US with clear communication and clear decisions.

Both of them have experience with new players as Head of the Welcoming Committee and the DoE respectively, and thus, even as older players in the game, have a connection to younger players as well.

I think it's time we gave PrincessMedyPi and Tiacha a chance at the helm of our country. The reason I am going to vote for them isn't off of a campaign promise that may or may not happen, it's because I know that they are active and trustworthy players that I feel very comfortable relying on.

The reason for no good reason

Honestly, it would be refreshing to have women in charge of our country for a change. I know that we shouldnt' vote for them just because they are ladies, but honestly, there is something nice about the change to me. Maybe it will help relax our political tension in the nation.

This article was written rather hastily and I realize is slightly disorganized, but I'd like to let you know why beyond the campaign promises or international policies why I am voting for PrincessMedyPi and Tiacha on April 5th.

Aren Perry,
Head of AAP Recruitment
New Player Mentor
Ambassador to Turkey

This message is unapproved by PrincessMedyPi or Tiacha and represents the sole opinion of a citizen of the United States of Erepublik-America