Why We Try?

Day 474, 19:41 Published in USA USA by Jon Malcom

I write this article because it's 100% true, why do we try?
We try because:
1. We want to win.
2. Because we believe in freedom.
3. Because we like to be rich, but not just in money but friends as well.
4. Because we know that we can right the wrongs....as long we don't do wrong to make right.
5. Because anybody can be a sombody in this world.
6. Because one little paper's article can change the entire election.
7. Because we are warriors.
8. Because we are peacekeepers.
9. We are the torchbearers on the hills of the world and we must keep passing the torch.
10. Because we like to have fun and life should be fun shouldn't it?

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