Why we need Region Leaders! and Abstain!

Day 2,540, 11:26 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Frixios of the Clyde

So its seems...
we have got a wee notch of Canada!
And its the CP elections tommorow!

So imma go all Russell Brand and say dont vote! We should be cool and set up leaders for each area who are in congress and they vote in congress for what us civvies from each region want!

Anyhoo dont vote cos whoever we get it wont change much 🙁 But I think imma on to something with my region leader plan cos tbh dis aint rlly a Democracy but then again....
Homer says democracy dont work.. anyhoo lets just abstain! It will say something! What i dont know but it will say something...

Phew thats a long article compared to others...