Why I support Scrabman and an "old" Congressman's Frustration

Day 531, 12:12 Published in USA USA by Aren Perry
(Yes here is the indelible two topic article)

The AAP recently nominated to support Scrabman in his run for presidency. While many assume that this means I as Party President directly support him, in the AAP not necessarily so since we ues a system of voting to determine who will get our nomination from our party.

Nevertheless, Scrabman does get my vote this coming election. Why?

#1: Scrabman did a great job

Seriously, can anyone find a fault with what he has done? All that he has done has helped our nation and he has run it smoothly.

Some say he has delegated too much authority. Money to Congress (who really has had control of it, just now more directly), delegated press releases to Claire Littleton (and who can say she hasn't done a phenomenal job?), perhaps even let the military do their own thing too much.

Yet, what hasn't worked well? Being president is a big job despite the fact that most of the power in the eUSA is within the eCongress. Building a great support team around him was done well and within that team everything so far as I can tell has worked.

Besides, have the war games ever been off timing to any serious degree? All of the MPP's have been on time, and even a few trade embargo's for good measure. Thus, Scrabman has been certainly as active and responsible as one's track record could ever show.

#2: Beyond Party Lines

The AAP has always tried to be beyond party lines. I guess I should more personally say, I have tried to be beyond party lines. While I like Kyle321n, Jamarcus, and NoneSuch, why fix what isn't broken and has been working well?

Beyond the fact that Scrabman is a USWP member, the agenda that he has pursued has not been left or right leaning. If any direction can be accused, he has been right leaning with his handing over of power to congress and moderate protectionism via trade embargoes. While I understand giving the people more than one option, I think that giving the people more than one option just for the sake of being different is not worth it.

Whoever wins, I believe that they will run the presidency with honor. As I get more familiar with this month's candidates, I hope that in future months I will come to trust them more and thus they will garner my vote due to their diligence, perserverance, and patriotism for the eUSA.

Some Reservations, for all of us:

The campaigning in general has been rather weak. This, in fact, is the area where Scrabman this term has failed most. While I know that he is personally busy and that nobody can fault a man for having a personal life, the lack of personal campagning is slightly upsetting.

Quite honestly, however, most people's campaigning was rather slim I felt. While perhaps I have had not enough time to devote to reading the articles written by presidential candidates, I felt the detail and plans given by the candidates in general to be weak.

Part of it is I am less familiar with this group of candidates than I am with any that I have seen since I began this game. Perhaps it is that change beginning between the Beta players and of us V1 babies beginning to step up and become the next Presidential selection.

Vote Scrabman for President!

Congressional Frustration:

This year's congress has been active to begin with, very active, and for that I commend them. But I think that they have with so many new congressman forgotten to pick up and fill in a few details that are important that I'd like to drop a friendly reminder to. These are not scoldings to the new congress as they have done nothing wrong, simply reminders from an old congressman.

#1: Contracts!

Get everyone to sign them, and post them in the signed contract pinned discussion. We have yet to see to my knowleadge those running the same weapon companies navy stole from sign contracts. Figure out who they are under the military, get them to sign contracts, and publish updates at a steady rate.

The MoW program to my knowleadge has yet to sign a contract though perhaps this has been fixed in the past week when I have been mostly away. I do believe there is no contract for the Speaker of the House as well.

While I do not like tons of red tape, simple contracts will do for most of these positions save the SoH.

#2: Public Information

While the President has done a great job with disclosure, I feel like Congress has not. I am no longer a congressman, but the Public Information Act I helped start up and get initiated has YET to be truly put into action. Let's get that information out to the public using the congressional report! For example, the budget was not clearly stated to the eUSA public.

Perhaps even the eUSA congress can use the James S. Brady room in conjunction with the president to release pertinent information regarding what is going on.

Details still need to be filled in on the consequences of not complying with the PIA. The CBO needs to step up and help fill in those reports that are necessary for the spending of money.

#3: Taxes

While I am happy that Congress has generally been agreed upon the current tax plan, I'd like to see more talk about imports as they were the one thing that were somewhat ignored in PANEC, imports.

I (and I know Aang Airbender) would like to see slightly higher imports to protect our markets. Many nations have 99% imports and while I certainly do not propose them, as the largest market with such comparitively low imports we provide a very easy targert for importers.

While importing is indeed a good thing in many ways, I know as a businessman how hard it is to compete in the raw resources area thanks in part to importers. The price for oil right now is at a low creating low wages for workers and slim margin profits for employers.

The problem with import taxes is the effect is much harder to predict than income and even to some degree VAT. To this end, exact numbers which are hard enough to figure out by themselves are very hard to figure out with import since we have no starting number to even begin to understand the profit from import taxes.

However, I generally believe that a slightly higher 30/35% import tax will not negatively effect government income (and thus in fact, increase it) while helping produce a healthier business environment for US Businessman. If shown to be otherwise, of course a return to the current import numbers would be in order.

Of course, exceptions can be made for certain markets because of their particular situations, particularly diamond and iron as always and any other that the congress so chooses to believe to be needed.

These benefits will as a second-hand effect produce higher wages to citizens as well. While the effect will be minimal in terms of wages, it will produce a stronger eUS domestic market profit margin while because of their marginal increase will not hurt to any great degree prices or the amount of foreign competition to create a buyer's market.


Have yet to be totally defined. I know that the infrastructure committee was looked over in terms of contract writing and in decision making processes regarding the Q5 hospital of Justinious' company which as far as I knwo is still up for discussion under the new congress.

Whether or not they will be used should be figured out this congressional term and their existence either respected or their existence dissolved. This is not the fault by any means of this congress, simply something that they need to put on their agenda.

I guess party of my old Congressman's frustration is simply not being in congress 🙂.

Aren Perry,
AAP Party President
3 Time former congressman of Illinois
New Player Mentor
Former Head of Infrastructure Committee
SADD member

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