What Will You Do, Croatia? The Purple Menace's Options

Day 1,680, 15:23 Published in Canada Canada by Shoi12

Croatia is EDEN's version of Hungary, leaving its home constantly to invade weak nations nearby. Although Croatia no longer controls its own turf, its invasion of Switzerland and Austria give it some options in the future.

I'll be the first to admit, Croatia is in a bit of trouble if it makes the wrong move. But it is next to two of ONE's greatest nations, Poland and Slovenia. Of course, it still has to deal with rebels, but those are no real threat as long as the government is disbanded. So, barring outside support from CoT, there's not much to worry about. So which option should Croatia take?

It could stay neutral in these wars primarily involving Terra. Although Croatia and USA are on good terms, it may be wise to hold off on an attack. With so many fellow EDEN nations under attack *coughUkrainecough*, it may be smarter to hold onto their current lands and lend a helping hand to their buddies indirectly. This would be a very safe plan, and not the worst idea.

Another possibility is to attack Slovenia. Slovenia has held onto northern Italy for far too long, and if Italy's game, a 2 front assault to liberate Milan would be feasible. However, this would require a lot of coordination, as Slovenia's been biding their time and storing up funds and weaponry for such an attack. But if it works, Slovenia is cut down to size, and with Albania holding its own against Serbia, there's not much the Serbs can do to help Slovenia.

A third option is to attack Hungary. Hungary is currently fighting Ukraine with great success, but have lost ground against Romania. A Croatian attack from the west could force Hungarians to retreat from Ukraine to defend their own lands, and Ukraine can certainly handle Moldova alone. But it's unknown whether or not Czechoslovakia will decide to interfere with such an attack. While them attacking would not be a dangerous threat, it would certainly hinder the Croats' invasion.

The final plan is to attack Poland. There are two ways to invade if such an attack is planned. One is to invade East France, and hasten the liberation. While Americans and Canadians are holding their own, they may need a way to thin Polish lines and make things a bit easier. Certainly, with Croatia attacking, it would give them hell. The other option would be to liberate Germany. While Germany has sworn peace with the Poles, they would certainly not object to a gift from their buddies. Capturing a mere two provinces, Bavaria and Hesse, would completely splice their empire, making it easier to squash.

These attacks, especially on Poland, would help foster better coordination with their overseas allies. With USA exploring options including a new alliance, fostering chemistry could help bring the nations together, leading to greater things in the future. Alliance, Croatia?

Until next time, take care!