What has the current government done for Ireland?!?

Day 610, 19:01 Published in Ireland Ireland by Brian Boru
Quite a lot, actually.

Despite controversy over the Cabinet, the crash of the forum, and the activity of the President, the amount of work the government has been doing is extremely large, which I will illustrate further later. First though, a few words regarding our circumstances are needed. Quite a few policies have had to been put off due to the war, to my extreme frustration. In the meantime, more excellent schemes have been come up with, and some have passed. I hope this war can end quickly so that we can get back to business.

To address the almost endless sea of articles complaining about Starks' supposed inactivity (which is ridiculous as I talk to him for more than an hour every night), I have decided to point out what we have actually achieved so far, as well as filling you all in on matters, as today marks the start of the last two weeks of the Presidential term.

In the area of Finance and Industry, we have had a revolution.
The major tax reforms have passed, and income is now much more consistent.
It also exceeds our needs, and so, I will require two TDs to place the income taxes down to 10%, which will place our income on par.

The currency instability was halted by intervention, and before speculators managed to move in.
While a controlled depreciation trend was planned, after consultations with various people, it will not be implemented for the forseeable future.

Feasibility studies into the creation of Overseas State Companies have been started and are continuing, as well as studies into state aid to companies via various means.

In the area of Defence, we have also made great strides.
A fully budgeted tank fund for the defence of the country has been set up.
The War Council has become increasingly involved with military affairs, and its formalisation will continue once the new forums are up. Our country is now better defended than ever before.

The Department of Health has also advanced greatly.
The State Housing Scheme has finally been implemented via cooperation between the Department of Finance and the Department of Health. The first state house was issued a few hours ago.
The Company Wellness Scheme has also been passed, aimed to help companies keep production high. I hope companies will contact Top_Gun about this service, as it holds great potential.

Meanwhile, our neutrality has been secured thanks to the great work of our Foreign Affairs people, our vice-President and our President.
Neutrality agreements were secured from all bordering countries/alliances, and a legally binding Non-Aggression Pact is in the works. We have also managed to insure that all parties are aware that Ireland's sovereignty is our main concern, and it appears now that a situation of complete security via good relations with both sides in the Third World War has come about.

What next?
We intend to fully continue the reform process to the best of our available time.
Top_Gun is also working on getting new forums set up, they should be ready today or tomorrow, so that we can continue the work of the Dail to the fullest extent possible.

Brian Boru,
An Aire Airgeadais.

Note to my Department Staff:
You're doing a great job and giving me the freedom to work on reforms.