We The People/We The Party.

Day 1,813, 23:07 Published in USA USA by Candor

Two months ago, a diverse, energetic and motivated group of people set out to establish a new kind of party in our nation. A party that encourages diversity and inclusion, a party that wants above all else for your voice to be heard above the sea of voices in our great nation. A party that appreciates girls kissing.

To that end, we invited members of 6th parties participation in our CP primaries, and individual members led the nation in supporting the Popular Elections which followed, hand in hand with individual members of the other T4 parties. The result was a true national President for all the people, and, we've been told, free love in The White House.

Tonight, we find ourselves debating the legalization of marijuana, so that players can have an option other than alcoholic intoxication for dealing with the banality of the game of eRepublik.

We are debating the righteousness of same sex marriage within eRepubic, with an eye towards protecting our few female citizens from the ravenous appetites of the serving POTUS in any given month by enlarging the available pool of marriage partners.

We are discussing allowing women in combat, which could conceivably increase our national defense by a factor of .00321 if all our female citizens were to participate as citizen soldiers.

We are discussing taxing you to the maximum amount available, and transferring the maximum amount allowable to Pfeiffer, so that he may single handedly lead our nations warriors, at the front of our new Women’s Corps.

We are discussing tilling up the AFA and using the freshly tilled soil for a new Unity Garden, providing fresh fruits and vegetables to our Pfeiffer in the field.

We are discussing candle light and the new florescent lighting options available, in order to reduce, reuse and recycle, protecting our nations scare resources.

And we are discussing the national distribution of pornography, particularly Big Butts Magazine and We The ePeens, to all the people of our great land.

We stand for ladies and bathroom lines, and good one liner’s in general.

If these are things you can get behind or in front of, if these are things you feel equally passionate about, whether pro, con, or flatulant, then the WTP is the party for you.

And if you get sick on the couch, we don’t are at all. It’s your home too, and we have newspaper for that.

In We The People, these are the words we live by.

Dutifully Submitted,

Help us help you eAmerica. Join us

We welcome our loyalist international allies as well: Albanians, the Brazillians, Finns. And more. If you are here, and looking for a home with a voice, the WTP is the place for you.