We The People: Party Newsletter

Day 1,815, 09:58 Published in USA USA by Candor

The WTP is growing up!

The last month has seen quite a lot of participation and work on the part of our membership, as well as Leadership.

We estimate that the party has had about one hundred members turnover, losing some residual membership from the parties previous incarnation, but gaining an even greater number of active and patriotic eAmericans.

We would like to invite our younger members to join in our parties Mentorship Program, where you will be teamed up with an older community member within the party. This is a great program which brings cohesion and strength to the party, as well as the nation. Individually, the “Mentors” enjoy sharing their wide array of knowledge with regards to the game and the community, while the “Mentees” get a powerful boost ahead in their game experience, involvement, and understanding of all things eRepublik.

If you would like to have a party mentor, follow the link: WTP Mentorship Program

Nationally, the Department of Education also offers a similar program, and you are equally encouraged to join this. We can’t really have too many friends or mentors in the game. And even those of us who have been around awhile take advantage of our friendships many times a week for similar feedback and sharing of information.

Post here to find a National DoE Mentor

Our party is in the early stages of electing a new Party President, with the nomination process open and underway as of last evening. Members are invited to participate in nominating a candidate, endorsing a candidate, and, eventually, voting for a candidate of their choice. The WTP values strongly your participation in our elections process. Your Party President represents you on the national field, but, equally, guides the party direction during their term in office. Interview your candidate, read their platforms, and register your input on the parties future.

Party President Nominations

A party is a great platform for debating, discussing, and determining our collective will in the direction of the nation. More generally, we’re a great group of friends and gamers! But once you feel ready for the next step, your nation needs you too. There are dozens of ways to get involved with the national government, and the national staffing coordination folks can find you something that will challenge you just as much as you desire and have time for. This national government participation is equally an important and valuable way to help your party grow it’s national influence, and every part member is encouraged to find a spot and pitch in at the national level.

DoE Application
American University

WTP you do the nation proud. Keep up the good work, keep growing, keep volunteering, keep contributing and strengthening your nation.

Keep on gaming WTP. You rock!

Dutifully Submitted,

Help us help you eAmerica. Join us

We welcome our loyalist international allies as well: Albanians, the Brazillians, Finns. And more. If you are here, and looking for a home with a voice, the WTP is the place for you.