We The People: In order to form a more perfect Union...

Day 1,791, 19:35 Published in USA USA by Candor

We interupt your regularly scheduled broadcast to bring you interesting media: Glove speaks
And now we return you to your program.

I'm a people too!

”People let me tell you 'bout my best friend,
It’s a warm hearted party who'll love me till the end.
People let me tell you bout my best friend,
He's a one party cuddly toy, my up, my down, my pride and joy.”

Striving to be the best!

We The People.

The WTP is a party which welcomes every type of player, and every type of opinion. While we want your body, what we really want is each players input in shaping the nation. The WTP isn’t looking to be the nations biggest party, but we do wish to have the nations most involved and active membership.

The WTP also prides itself on being home to the nation’s most diverse membership. We reach out to, and find an active place of participation for, all of our nation’s loyalist contrarians. Those who want a legitimate voice at the table, those who have a strong pride in being eAmerican’s, are welcome at our round table.

While the AFA espouses treasonous means to achieve change in the nation, the WTP in contrast invites loyalists to shape their world from within the system through legal, though often cantankerous and boisterous, opposing positions.

If things seem rosy and wonderful in the party a citizen now belongs to, we are pleased to leave them be.
But if a citizen sees things that could improve in how the nation is being run, the direction of our alliances, our leadership, or our policies, well, we’re here to offer those folks a home and a place at the table.

We present to our membership every vote of consequence: We will give out POTUS endorsement to the player YOU vote for and choose. We will elect the WTP leadership YOU vote for, and choose. We will place into Congress a solid mixture of experienced players with a sprinkle of brand new voices, and brand new ideas, each and every election. In fact, the more alternative your opinion, the more likely we’ll find you a seat at the big national table.

We welcome our loyalist international allies as well: Albanians, the Brazillians, Finns. And more. If you are here, and looking for a home with a voice, the WTP is the place for you.

This month John Jay won our Presidency, and appointed the following Cabinet positions:

Party President: John Jay
Vice Party President: Oblige
Secretary General: Rixx (Raptor Jesus)
Deputy Secretary General: Dutch Marley
Political Director: rainy sunday
Spokesperson: Candor
Media Officer: George Griffin
Councilor: Hawkie
I do shit: Your name here (You know who you are)

Our latest member game

The WTP runs in a fast paced, involved atmosphere (I could list at least 25 other very hard working folks right here, not given a fancy title). We have active media, gold, weapons, and food loyalty and growth programs. We want YOU, if you’re up for the work. Contact any Officer to get involved!

Join us, and together we’ll reshape our destiny!

Dutifully Submitted,

Help us help you eAmerica. Join us