Warfare of the New worlds day 1373...

Day 1,373, 06:07 Published in Finland Finland by Melmis

It's time to write.. As you might have noticed, I haven't written warfare analyses very actively. That is because what I wrote in the end of my last article. And also because I don't enjoy writing these articles as much as I used to when I started publishing these. And this is a game, and player are supesed to enjoy whatever they do in the game. So maybe I'll stop writing these warfare analyses after next presidental elections. I think I'll have something else in my mind then 😉. But don't worry MelmiSanomat will continue with other articles (about thigs that I still like to write about 🙂.)

Estonia – Finland war

Since my last article, Finland and Estonia tried to make peace agreement, but it failed because Estonian congress rejected No Natural enemy proposal.

Now the situation is this:
Estonia is holding only Southern Finland from Finlands original regions, and that is also under RW attack. Finland won the last battle in Oulu so it's Finlands turn to attack next. If the RW in Southern Finland is succesfull, Finland will attack to Pohja-Eesti. If it fails the attack will be directed to Southern Finland. Finland will now be able to hold congress elections, unlike last month.

Sweden – Norway war

Sweden has captured every single Norwegian region. There is an RW in Nord Norge, but Sweden seems to be winning it. (7-4 currently)

Every war still goes on pretty much the same way...

Latvia – Belarus war

Latvia declared Belarus as their NE, and now they have conquered 3 Belarusian regions and they are currenlt attacking to the fouth one.

Russia – Lithuania war

Russia has conquered Sudovia from Lithuania, and is currently attacking Dainava. The battle there is very even. I can't yet tell wich side will be victorious. (4-3 to Lithuania, but Russia propably wins this round) Also, there is RWw in Sudovia already, but Russia will secure the region.

Turkey – Russia war

Turkey has launched an attack agains Russia. They have conquered North Caucasus from Russia.

Shorty the rest of the europe..

Hungary and Serbia are attacking Ukraine. (Well, what's left of it)

Bulgaria and Macedonia are fighting in Eastern Macedonia, Bulgaria seems to be winning the fight.

Poland and Spain fighting over Frances regions.. (against France not against each other)

Ireland has regained all of its regions and is even attacking Uks original regions. Northern Irelanc is already conquered and Wales is undera ttack by Irish armed forces.

Poland still conquering remaining regions of Germany.

Yeah.. I think this will be the last warfare analysis wich I write for some time. Now I have lost interest in world event's because there are simply too may (meaningles) wars and battles going on simultaneously. Maybe I'll continue, if the battles get interesting again. Now you can pretty much just chech the world map and see where the battles are. But don't worry I'll continue to write MelmiSanomat, just not warfare analyses. I think my next article will be about Finlands next presidental elections. Who knows what I'll wirte after that. Subscrible if you want to know 😃

P.S. I don't have the energy to put pictures on 🙂 Check world map if you want to see them.
Sorry 🙁.

P.P.S. Thank you all for the support you gave me. I really enjoyed writing, and still do not just this kind of articles.

MelmiSanomien päätoimittaja / Editor of Melmisanomat