Voting Dennis McVicker

Day 1,751, 12:47 Published in USA USA by Candor
Dennis is a good guy and a friend, he's been playing for years. He's getting my vote whether it matters or not.

Israel is probably a fine fellow and looks to be the winner, I either don't remember him or we've never met. Did think he wrote a good intro article fwiw.

Henry and I are buds, we've always gotten along well. He was on my SOH staff and always had important insight. But it's no secret he pisses off about half the people who ever come in contact with him. He's cocky and head strong. Though more often than not, he's also right. He's also unarguably the most qualified. But as a divider, he's also tops. Loves to Henry either way.

The other two: Lolwut?

Anyway. Voted Dennis.