Vote Gnilraps, Save America

Day 1,728, 17:18 Published in USA Greece by Maxx Johnson

We have a political crisis brewing in the Party Formerly known as RLC.
After a major falling out, the two people directly responsible for the loss of millions of dollars for our government, as well as hundreds of enemy citizens in our country, are squaring off against each other.

At stake is not just the Party Presidency of the SEES Brotherhood (formerly RLC). At stake is over 55 Congressional Candidates, as well as potentially hundreds more citizenship passes that will be granted to our enemies.

Luckily, there is a strong dose of sanity in the race as well.

The current Secretary of Defense, Gnilraps is also running for Party President.

As a fellow American, I urge you to:
-Move to this party.
-Vote for Gnilraps
-Move back to your original party.