Vote for me, lancer450, and the UKPP!

Day 1,855, 19:12 Published in United Kingdom Netherlands by lancer450

Hello my fellow UKPP’ers and fellow eBrits,

Yes, it is that time of the month again – the Congress elections are upon us! 🙂

It certainly looks to be an interesting election with a new party, One Vision, joining the fray and with the UKRP, the oldest political party in the eUK, dropping out of the top five. If elected, I’m particularly excited to have the opportunity to work with elected members of One Vision as well as other congress members from my own party, from TUP, ESO, and New Era.

I’m an independent-minded citizen with the solitary goal of performing my duties and living up to the standards set for congress members. I, along with my party, seek to support both new and old players alike through proper reform and fresh ideas. I am not a strict partisan as most who know me will attest. If someone has a good idea or proposal, I look at the merits and qualities of that idea or proposal – not at the party logo beneath the person’s avatar. If I am elected, I will work well with my fellow congress members. I would like my fellow eBrits to keep in mind that I am seeking merely one seat out of the forty that make up the Congress. Thus, I have limited powers. I will not be making haughty, frivolous promises and pledges that are so often made by others seeking to be elected. The only thing I can promise is to be responsible with my limited powers (e.g. not making idiotic proposals that may endanger the wellbeing of our eNation).

Last of all, I have proven myself to be quite active and involved during my first term as a congress member in the eUK, and I pledge to continue to be as active and involved as I possibly can. Given my next semester of school does not begin until the 4th of February, I shall say that I will have more than enough time to devote to executing my duties and taking care of my responsibilities if elected.

With that, I ask the UKPP leadership to give me the opportunity to serve in Congress. And, if I am given that opportunity, I would like to ask you, the eBritish people, to vote for me, lancer450, and my magnificent party, the UKPP, on the 25th of December!

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas everybody!

Kindest regards,