Vote Aren Perry for Connecticut!

Day 547, 10:42 Published in USA USA by Aren Perry

Hello Connecticut!

I am proud to say I, Aren Perry, am running for congress under the AAP Party and with the endorsement of the USWP Party in your beloved state! I am a former three time congressman of Illinois, Party President of the AAP, New Player Mentor, former Chairman of the Infrastructure board, Ambassador to Turkey, former SADD member, and Interparty Relations Secretary for President Scrabman. With myself, I bring 5 months of experience in political leadership in and out of congress.

Last month of Congress

Even during my month off of congress, I kept some tabs on the congressional forums to keep up to date on the current happenings in congress. The prior congress, while it did not do any harm, I feel got very little accomplished. Particularly, there was no action taken on my Public Information Act (PIA) from the previous month that I could particularly see.

For example, I did not see personally a single article put out by the congressional newspaper about what was going on. Also, for the majority of the month, the new area of the congressional area for public disclosure of old secret discussions no longer secret was empty. That is, nobody took the time to move them over into the new area!

I intend to fix this and truly bring disclosure of such topics in and also within the public media as well. Some have complained that Scrabman has not communicated well. If so, the congress of the eUSA has done even worse.


Atlantis is fallen with the Romanian departure from the alliance. While I feel that Romania unjustly removed themselves due to a lack of appreciation for the hard work and effort that we have put forth to support them in the Asia land war (Never fight a land war in Asia? I’ve heard that one before…), we need to look to new options. Honestly, the situation looks rather bleak. With the breakdown of Atlantis, PEACE has gained a humongous upper edge.

A new Alliance strong enough to take down PEACE would have to look so eerily similar to Atlantis that it would simply be redundant. At the same time, a completely independent USA will not stand but for so long because we are too big of a target to simply be left alone. So we are stuck between a rock and a hard place-find allies and directly confront the enemy, or try to stand alone or in a smaller alliance and hope that the enemy is no longer the enemy. Which one we choose will mostly be up to the new President of the eUSA.

Whatever is chosen, with the production of fake weapons within PEACE, no plan stands a chance until this is curbed. In fact, it is the only thing that really stands in our way of defending our alliance.


I personally do not mind high taxes. While in real life, I prefer lower taxes most certainly and believe strongly in the American right to spend and use his or her own money, within the game, higher taxes do not bother me so much because this is simply a game and concentrated amounts of money is what allows us to win wars. Right now especially, it should be evident that we need tax money to defend our nation. When I am in congress, I will call for a lowering of the budget for non-military related items (particularly infrastructure, not Meals on Wheels) and a concentration on creating an effective money usage for our weapon companies.

At the same time, I support slightly higher import taxes to help protect our markets where we have stable sources of high resources for ourselves. I have been in these markets, and it is hard to make a dime off of products that sell below where current eUSA salaries allow profit to be made.


The funny thing is, within congress, the lines between parties (for me at least) get very very blurred. While many other arguments plague the eUSA congress, party lines is not one of them. Outside of this, however, the motivation for the eUSA to come together and stand as a united nation has been quite lacking in a surprising amount. I have received a surprising amount of flack for being the Interparty Relations Secretary from more than a few people. As always, unity and a focus on real issues not made up vague problems that simply slow us down will be my focus.

My name is Aren Perry, and I’m counting on YOU to make your vote COUNT. Vote for Aren Perry in Connecticut!

Aren Perry,
2 Term AAP Party President
Interparty Secretary of Relations
Three Term Congressman
Three term New Player Mentor
Four Term Ambassador to Turkey
Former Three Term SADD Member
Former Chair of Infrastructure
Winner of UncleSam's Fungasm Contest

Join the AAP Party Today!! The party that INVESTS in players and the peoples voice!