VoA future membership + interviews

Day 2,616, 03:29 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Ministry of Entertainment

VoA future membership + interviews

Hello good people of Asteria. We think our alliance not only as a brotherhood but as something much more. We have bonds beyond brotherhood some people even say that Asteria will be here untill “page not found” comes in our screens!
But today we face some issues that are needed to put in the table. There are countries that beg us to become one of us. To feel the victory like our brothers in South America. To able to call brother the Bruce almighty.

These 2 countries are Hungary and Poland.

Hungary was a member until they realize that Romania was on top then they left and demoted into minion. Since then they have been losing wars from Ukraine and every time Cyprus wants to have fun she pays them a visit. Things are rough but they are willing to bend in order to get the same help as our brothers in South America.

Poland is the second one that wants to join. A very stable country when it comes to foreign policy, former empire that was demoted into colony and forced to sign a slave treaty wants to join our ranks with the hope of getting back at least 50% on food bonus by performing airstrikes. Their attempt didn't worked so good but we are hoping that they will do better if Plato introduce a new country that her bonus are not good enough for Serbia and Ektonistan.

Romanian Gov already agreed in getting Hungary their only obligation is to have a Romanian CP for 3 terms also Budapest will be a Romanian colony thing which Hungarians say that it is a fair trade for the honor to be among the stars.
Mugur stated "A dream that all Romanians had became true"

An agreement there is also with Poland and Serbia Hamster will be the next CP of Poland for 3 terms securing their bank. Polish people say that this is a good choice.
Hamster stated "The Money of Poland will become Q7 companies in my account for them"

Ektonistan agrees because Serbia said so.
Ektonosiakos stated "At least we don't have to NAP them"

Bruce Land representative in alliance stated "I am Bruce" which was successfully translated by Ektonosiakos as "i agree"
Bruce stated nothing because he was washing the dishes

South American countries are trying not be deleted so they agreed without asking anything
Soy Malvinas stated "Make it work and we will stay in this alliance"

China is still missing so we got no argument from there.
From China we have no statement.

We never asked Brazil so no statement from them.

For the second part i have interviews with the country presidents of our new members
HercuIe Poirot from Hungary and Granat MW from Poland.

VoA: Hercule Poirot tell me what made you join Asteria again.

Hercule Poirot: Since the day we left this great alliance we feel empty. We have been invaded by many countries we lost our capital after 3453 days and this had to change.

VoA: Who do you think that is going to be your next CP?

Hercule Poirot: I hope that Mugur will be our leader, the person that will help us eliminate the nightmare we have from the last Cypriot airstrike.

Bruce: I am Bruce.

VoA: Bruce you are not on this issue behave please

VoA: Are the terms of this agreement good for Hungarian people?

Hercule Poirot: Yes!!! Budapest has bonus that we don't need and will be happy to give it to Romania not to mention that as i said things have to change. Also we need a capable CP because the ones we had till now didn't do good work.

VoA: Our next guest is Granat MW also known as the bending CP

VoA: After long time you just have your core regions why how does this feel?

Granat MW: Well i have to admit that we had many problems in the past. People opened RW and we had to face a new war every day. People were spending their supplies and they got even more poor. Now all these are history!!!

VoA: But isn't this the goal of the game? To have more regions and more bonus?

Granat MW: This is a Myth. People need to know that they are not in danger to loose congress and this is that what we did. With steady foreign policy we have achieved all we ever wanted.

VoA: Ok... About the terms of your agreement?

Granat MW: That was the easy part. Instead of having money wasted on pointless RW for CO Desert will keep them and turn them into Q7 companies.

VoA: But how does this help Polish people?

Granat MW: Who cares? We will join Asteria and ekto promised a place in the space program!

Well people one more issue of VoA is over.