Viking Power

Day 2,893, 11:54 Published in Norway Denmark by Joshua Morriseau

Look at all that damage! You did great Norway! I wanted to post this to show everyone how well we did when we coordinate and work together. Remember how quickly this was planned and accomplished as well. All this damage was for last week when we stopped the Paraguay AS right in its tracks.

As you can see we came in at #46 last week doing more damage than countries such as Netherlands and Egypt who tend to do more damage than we do. To put it more into perspective we were #59 two weeks ago and #60 three weeks ago. Now lets look at some of the amazing individuals who did the top damage last week.


Norway's D1 is actually doing very well and has only been getting stronger in recent weeks. Perhaps this might be a great time to invest in our D1? Great job to everyone in D1!


Now its no secret our D2 is our weakest division but that doesn't mean its our D2 members fault or that we don't appreciate all your hard work. It just means Norway doesn't actually have that many players that are actually in D2.


Our D3 is very strong. Look at bATRA! He did more damage than the #1-#8 top players combined. Great job bATRA and to everyone in D3 for your hard work!


Norway has an incredible D4 with some great tanks. We would be lost without you guys. Thanks for all your damage and commitment to Norway's military!

All in all we've done a great job this past week, lets keep it up! We are showing everyone than even a smaller nation such as Norway is not to be trifled with. Lets stay strong, keep coordinated and continue to defend and help our allies!

As always don't forget to V,S,S&E!

Kind Regards,

Joshua Morriseau