Turkish friendly platform inside!

Day 815, 19:26 Published in Greece Greece by Constantinos

Κάτω κάτω η ουσία 😉

Hello dear friends. With this article i'm announcing my really really serious candidacy for president of the Mediterranean Pirate League. Following is my platform for the party:

Name and emblem

- Party will be renamed to APC because I like the sound of it. I don't know yet what APC will stand for but I will think of something.
- To show our support to the Turkish minority residing in Greece our emblem will be a known to them symbol, the two-headed eagle.

Social Policy

- As a progressive party, APC supports the right of Turkish babies to work to Q4 and Q5 companies. We urge those company owners to create jobs for the babies of the Turkish minority.
- Company owners need to take a progressive stand to the matter of wages. Turkish culture needs to be respected and protected. Our Turkish brothers need and want to work with minimum salary as it is well known that the need for leisure is an element of the Western world. Make sure you comply with their request.


- Currently Greece is overproducing just about everything. This results to lower wages and obviously, if Greek citizens work for low wages there won't be any low salary jobs for our Turkish brothers! To solve this issue we need to buy products only from companies stationed in stable and safe regions and ΝΟΤ from Central Anatolia or the Aegean Coast of ex Turkey. That way the majority of our companies will stay profitable and continue working.

Foreign Policy

No one likes war, that's a fact. Sure it's fun at the beginning but how many dismantled bodies can you see? At some time it just gets boring. We in APC believe in the solidarity of people and in the “Make Love not War” shit. Thus we urge the Greek government to seize any acts of aggression against our Turkish brothers and accept their surrender. End the war and start rebuilding the Greece of the 18 regions, our common home of peace and prosperity.

Social Cohesion

- To make it easier for our Turkish brothers to be a part of our society, we support the creation of a department in the Ministry of New Players that will teach them Greek. Turkish is a dead language since it won't be spoken in any country soon and banning it in Greece will help them learn Greek faster so that they can be able to communicate with other people instead of talking to themselves in front of the mirror.
- We are sad to admit that currently there are a few racists living in Greece. To protect the Turkish minority from racial discrimination, racist attacks and the fact that many people confuse the country Turkey with the bird we suggest that from now on they will be called “Greek muslims”.

Μια που δεν ενδιαφέρθηκε κανείς άλλος είναι κρίμα να μένουν ορφανά τα gold του κόμματος, θα τα ρίξω σε ενημερωτικές διαφημίσεις για οτιδήποτε σημαντικό προκύψει τις επόμενες μέρες, battle orders κτλ 🙂 Εννοείται πως δεν σκοπεύω να μείνω στο MPL, όταν τελειώσει το gold θα αποχωρήσω (λέω να το χαρίσω του paradoksos που κάνει συλλογή από προεδρίες κομμάτων 😛).