Turkey shall not into EDEN

Day 1,541, 07:33 Published in USA USA by ASP C SLAVA IDEY SVOBODA
Dear brothers & friends in EDEN / Terra

Here we are going to analyze Turkey's chance of being a member in EDEN. I want to correct a thing that nobody claims Turkey won't be a full member but mustn't get this privilege.
You know why ? Since the first day of meetings between EDEN & Turkey i was supporting them to be a full member as long as they provide ordinary membership conditions just like previous countries which passed through the same process, unfortunately during the last 1,5 months I noticed a huge mistake that we are going to cause of.

Reason 1: Turkey has been striking an attitude which cannot be respected against it's Allies

- As being one of the founders of modern multinational Republic of Cyprus i can easily say that we had been suffered so much due to Turkish greed on the territory. I'm not going to open the old books but even if we focus on last 1,5 months (Turkish candidacy period in EDEN) Cyprus' bonus requests were always rejected with arrogance by their Government members including President.
Their answers were just to stall Cyprus population, We heard this sentence too: ''Turkey can't give an original region, It's our pride (LOL)'' Its heard by Fatih. Sultan. Mehmet the ex-Turkish CP.
Well, Cyprus has a dynamic and very young population and also she needs a few Bonus to feed the e-kids. Unfortunately, Turkey doesn't know what really Brotherhood mean.

Reason 2: Turkey's assistance problematic for Allies

- When you look at the scedule there is a huge oddity, let me to explain the best I can; Turkey started to fight for EDEN 1,5 months ago and at the first weeks it was ok, we were really able to see some effort from them on the battlefield but it hadn't been continued in stability, Turkey has returned to behave same just like in the past and their assistance level is getting lowered day by day, you all can notice it if you follow daily total damages of the Countries. That information simply whispers us that Turkey is trying to fool EDEN forces that they 'proved(!)' to be a good allie but majority in EDEN don't think so. They only fight for EDEN when they think there is an advertisement occasion, other times They are like nONE.

Dear Brothers in EDEN, please think carefully before you take an irreversible step, and don't be fooled of Turkish hocus-pocus fake. They are still arrogant and greed like we used to.

Written by an American citizen, California, U.S.A.


A well said Shout from an EDEN country citizen, Please read it carefully because you will agree with at the en😛

hanibalbg: ''It is well said, what most of the Bulgarians predicted. Turkey fought hard in the begining, and it was normal, they wanted to proove themselves. From day to day passing, they returned to their normal condition, and exactly - to follow their own interests. Today I may say, that the benefit from the Turks is that their influence don't go against EDEN. But the important battles are still on the back of the main members - Croatia, Bulgaria, Romania and Greece.''