Day 2,454, 12:15 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Madelina de Melrose

The Party Presidential term is coming to a close.

What did your Council and I accomplish this past month?

We worked hard behind the scenes to make sure those who do not have the best interests of the eUK at heart did not get an opportunity to destroy the eUK, or even to disrupt our Congress.

Sounds like a big yawn? Actually, it was a major success for the eUK and for TUP. Could we have done more? Yes, if you all had got out and voted for the candidate you chose in the primaries, we might have a bit more influence on the new government. But we can work well with our new CP (Country President). We wish him the best of luck – and offer our help – to turn the fortunes of the eUK for good.

We also made a big effort to identify multi accounts – it’s how the PTOers have won in the past – and have them banned. Removing malicious accounts is a BIG success for the eUK. And we’re not doing this in isolation – the other legitimate parties have equally devoted time and effort to clean things up.

Did we do all we wanted to do this past month? Heck, no! Sorry, we didn’t come up with a cure for cancer or even the common cold, we didn’t save the world from galactic extinction, and we didn’t get you all active and working together to make TUP the premier party not just in the eUK but in eRep as well.

To that end, I must once again ask: what would give you back your enthusiasm? What would stir you to seek a position in government (okay, not necessarily this week, but you should be planning months ahead)? What will fire up your interest in taking part in discussions?

We are YOUR party, here to represent you and help make your eRep time both enjoyable and profitable.

So let’s get some feedback here!

Madelina de Melrose
TUP Party President