Trust, but verify

Day 1,696, 10:43 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Madelina de Melrose

One of the things I learned early on in this game was that if you want to be able to buy anything, you need to be employed. Finding a good employer took a bit of time - I went through several. But finally I found the one I've been with for a long while now, probably several months.

What makes a good employer? First, they pay well. Mine usually pays a bit over the top amount offered on the job market - and when it fell below one time, I wrote to him and asked for a raise... and got one!

That's the verify part - keep an eye out on the market and if rates change, go ahead and ask for a raise, the worst that could happen is that you are told no. Then you move to the higher-paying ones.

Second, they're reliable. I've had ones that hire and fire on what seems to be a whim. I always do that part of the game when I first log in during the day, so unless something (travel abroad, hurricane, illness) has kept me offline altogether, I always show up for work. (If I know I may not have internet access, I also let my employer know, so he doesn't think I'm skipping out on him.)

Third, and this is totally objective, that they communicate. My first message was "raise, please" and the last was a discussion of vacation travel... and this is how one makes a friend in the game early on.

But verify... always verify...