TRP- l'ultimo applauso

Day 1,223, 11:12 Published in Italy USA by Daniel Cheers

Cari lettori del Post, abbiamo tutti ricevuto il seguente mp dal plazzo:

Dear citizen,

On Day 1,224 of the New World there will be one hour of maintenance, between 0:00 and 1:00 eRepublik Time. During that time, the process of raw materials' denomination will take place.
All offers of raw material units will be removed from the marketplace, thus being returned into storage.
Every current 6 raw material (RM) units from the storage will become 1 new raw material (RM😉 unit (a storage containing 6000 iron and 600 grain will now contain 1000 iron and 100 grain).
All workers in raw material companies will extract 1 RM* for every 6 RM that they used to extract (production will be changed, not productivity).
All final goods will consume 1 RM* for every 6 RM that they used to consume.
Best regards,
Your eRepublik Governor

In pratica nn sapendo quale limite applicare allo storage oltre il quale guadagnare gold con l'up( il giorno 1250 devono metterei limiti al magazzino indicando anche i costi degli upgrade per ampliare i suddetti limiti)hanno deciso cheper il momento conviene dividere tutto: produzione e consumi per sei così riescono più semplici i calcoli. Poi si vedrá