To Croatia: The Fight Goes On.

Day 1,236, 05:23 Published in Croatia Canada by irishbhoy1967

Congratulations to Croatia on getting your country back on the map. The people of Ireland were happy to have been able to help. We know what it is like to be erased from the map also. In the end it only makes you stronger.

Croatian Soldiers have fought for allies in every part of the New World, including Ireland. We are simply re-paying our best allies for always being there for us. Croatia does not owe anything to any country, it is the rest of us that owe you Croatia.

No matter what happens in the New World, know that the ICA, The Irish Army and Ireland will always be your friends.

Hail Croatia!
Hail Ireland!
ICA Forever!
The Fight Goes On!

Short Message to the United Kingdom of Great Britain

It came to our attention that the UK were a little upset with the ICA last week. After all the bawwing and crying like little girls to anyone who would listen to you, we felt a little sorry for you. So the ICA decided to liberate your country from Serbian oppression.

We're a p generous buncha guys like that. So we would appreciate it if you would stop electing Presidents who promise to invade Ireland.

On day 1,261 own control of the following regions: Dublin, Northeast of Ireland????

Sorry, Don't think so.