Times Like These

Day 1,082, 02:21 Published in Israel USA by George Griffin

Welcome Readers...

Ladies and gentlemen, eIsrael have voted Gavin Wax for a second term as CP! Congratulations Gavin. I'd also like to thank and give support to Sam for his hard work for our country and the time he spent seeking the CP position. Congrats to both runners on a tight race. We have allot to work on though. Not as one, but as a community.

Everyday and every night, we need to do all we can to replace eIsrael. We urge Gavin for more activity time and more time on the IRC. I urge citizens to get involved! How can we grow, how can we be a community, how can we be a country if we don't socialize? eIsrael, this is the month we become active. Future is in our arrival.

There is so many things that one man or women could do to get this country one step closer to success! I want to be apart of a growing nation with allot of potential, and I'm not leaving eIsrael till I see it happen. I don't care if I'm here for the rest of my erepublik life, I will not leave till we accomplish out nation goals.

What Can We Do?

Be active! Be Social! Get involved eIsrael! I'm also thinking of making a University right here in eIsrael to reach upon our new and returning players! What I want you to take from tonights elections is that the future is on our doorstep. And if we don't achieve it this month, next month, failure won't be an option, and you'll find out why later on.

Lets get to work and support Gavin for another month!
