The Unit: A History

Day 1,753, 17:04 Published in USA USA by Candor

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The name:
We have no name. But for the sake of necessity when discussing the group, I’ll refer to it as “The Unit”. You can call it whatever you want.

The Unit started as the SSI (Security something or other) for SEES maybe three years ago. We had operatives gathering intelligence in 7 of the top parties nationally and a few foreign nations as well. Originally, I was the contact man and lead, though soon The Director was reporting tonameredacted, SEES Exec Board guys.

Being that we were undercover, most of us moved to parties other than SEES. I went to The NoS Party, and the top undercover guy (the highest ranking member undercover), whom we called “The Director”, went to the UIP, eventually becoming it’s Party President.

Other agents also eventually were elected PP’s of other Top 5’s, and one month SEES actually controlled three of the Top 5 spots, which was complicated as hell, tbh.

I comically remember one conversation with Emerick (SEES PP) when I needed permission for some op or another, and him going, “What? We have an agency with people all over, and so and so works for ME?” That cracked me up. But the truth was, his Lieuatenants didn’t really keep him very well informed sometimes. At that point we were deep and many, and he didn’t have much of a clue. Although he HAD been the one to PERSONALLY ok the foundation, upon my request, months earlier. He had assigned it to a Lieuatenant, and forgot about us. The Lieuatenant didn’t really seem to care much about us either, to be honest, but The Director for many months dutifully submitted reports collected from the guys in the field.

You wouldn’t believe me if I told you some of the people on our roster at times. And we did an outstanding job of compartmentalizing. Most of the guys didn’t know each other either. As funny as Emerick not knowing about us for a long time (yet we were in theory working for HIM), I would see two reports on occasion from two different officers reporting on each other! OMG those would have me laughing.

But the deal was, we all kept mum about everything and everybody.

Fast forward about six months.

SEES quit caring about being any semblance of an actual party, though they existed about another year maybe? When that became obvious, I sent out notice to all our guys in the field that they could go “home” (to SEES) if they wanted, remain where they were, join me in The NoS Party, or whatever. Our SEES connection was ending.

I’ll tell you that at our peak we had about 60 people officially, the day before we “disbanded”.

The Unit

I should note here (this is important) that most, but not all, agents had been recruited as noob nobodies, because we needed them to blend easily. Some, as I mentioned, became “somebodies” in the parties they had been placed. So when the disband notice went through, and because they had never BEEN officially SEES (they hadn’t set foot in the party, or irc, lest they be “outed”), most guys opted to go on with their eLives in the parties they were stationed at the time. They had friends and responsibilities.

Before I go on, you’ll notice I haven’t given you a single name (besides Emerick), and I never will. Some of these guys are still active today, and important people. Some of their early or long time friends could obviously feel some lingering betrayal, were they to know about their early lives and deceptions.

Anyway. The guys who chose to join me in The NoS formed the base of what became The Unit. Though because we had to protect information on the size of our voting block, no more than half ever sat in party at one time, except one month when we, with national permission, assumed the 6th party position. We gave that up the next month, actually, to go run an ATO for our old friends in SEES, and we ourselves were PTO’d. But the party page never meant anything to us anyway, and we have always kept “back up” parties available. We just moved.

Fast forward, we ran with many old SSI peeps and NoS peeps for another…six months maybe?

We decided quite a few PP elections, I believe three (maybe) CP elections, and probably decided as many Congress (usually noobs) seats as 3 out of 5 parties, most months. And we never divulged when or whom. Well, I guess a few were obvious, and we did work with PP’s at times from the Top 5, all of them, though some more than others.

I was pretty much hijacked into SOH one month and I let The Unit slide, and directly after I went into eHibernation for 18 months. My number two ran it a couple more months then he, too, went into eHibernation.

We’re both back, and many old members have already re upped in the last 48 hours, and some fresh faces too. Glad to have you.

We run ATO ops at our own discretion (especially upon the request of POTUS or DCIA). But generally, we decide where we throw our weight based on member nominees, PP requests, and in the end, where our reset votes will throw a noob, as often as not, into a Congressy seat.

There’s the background. There’s no rank, no insignia, not acknowledgement of membership. We have a closed general irc room for members who don’t care about anonymity within The Unit, and a small forum where we use alias names for general discussions.

Those who want to remain completely anonymous go one-on-one with me.

Everyone has a say in the nominees, though at reset we go (from that list) where we can make decisive impact.

You can leave the group at any time. But we do ask up front that IF you join, you agree to keep the names of other members that you run across completely confidential. Pretty much forever.

You can share your own membership at your discretion. And in truth because of the way we compartmentalize, you’ll never know more than a few of the overall membership ever anyway. Only I have access to all the compartments, the DL’s share an irc room together as well, from which decisions are made jointly.

There's the historical outline and basic OP that I've been explaining to PM'ers the last few days. If interested in joining, PM me. We'll be forming Compartments for the next two weeks or so.

And why? Cuz messin' with the world is fun!

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"The government is following me. All the governments. All of them. Do you hear that? Do you smell that? Do you like cheese? I once woke up with a green pea in my mouth. I once slept in an eagle's nest. I once ate only coffee beans for two weeks."

Loves and kisses~