The Show Must Go On! Keep Pushing, Men! (Not in the Giving Birth Sense)

Day 1,676, 00:05 Published in Canada Canada by Shoi12

C'mon people! This is the most action you'll see in this game for a long time. We're facing three fronts from Poles, Redcoats, and conquistadors. Our bros down south are having a hell of a time holding onto their colonies. It's essential to hold onto both our French lands and our motherland. Forget those skirmishes in the UK and not-really joke wars with Ireland, this is the battle we've all been waiting for. After months of Sperry's secret war on donuts and Rylde's suicide campaigns, we finally have something worth fighting for! We've been saving our bazookas and weapons for this day. Carpe diem, people!

We finally have a chance to show we're not just another no-name country. We're the mighty and brave Canadians of the Maple Leaf! For too long have we been laughed at as weak. For too long have we been called America's hat. For too long have we had to endure our boredom and bide our time. But now, we have a slim hope of showing what we're made of. Yet I see us barely holding our own against Poland in Lower Normandy. And to that I say, what the hell, people?! Do you want to be invaded again? Do you want a bright pink North America? I sure as hell don't. So buy some tanks, eat some food, and go fight!

The show must go on
, people. Will you be a part of our total victory, or sit back as Quebec burns to ashes?