The Quackmunist Party's program

Day 641, 09:46 Published in France France by yogogo
[The Party's program was written in french, but translated into English and Spanish through a program, I apologize for the horrible errors therein. Note that it is not necessary to read the introduction which is in french (it would be too difficult to translate).]

[Le programme du Parti a été rédigé en français mais traduit en anglais et en espagnol grâce à un logiciel, veuillez m'excuser pour les horribles fautes qui s'y trouveront. Notez qu'il n'est pas nécessaire de lire l'introduction qui est en français (qui serait trop difficile à traduire).]

[El programa del partido fue escrito en francés, pero traducido en Inglés y Español a través de un programa, pido disculpas por los horribles errores en él. Tenga en cuenta que no es necesario leer la introducción en la que está en francés (que sería demasiado difícil de traducir).]

The duck came out a notepad from his coat, placed it on the lectern, looked at him and then approached the microphone. Some applause resounded. Many of applause resounded does not. The applause stopped.

"Comrades... The government exploits you!"

The sound coming out of the speakers was powerful but net, and clear. The duck made a break to wait for a response from the crowd ... No reaction happened. It started again.

"I am the new Secretary General Luke Magitem, and I am here to tell you the program of the Quackmunist Party!

-Do not get confused. The rumors are false! No, the Spanish are not horrible monsters with big teeth, fierce eyes, full of spam mouth and arms and legs and feet! They are like us, my brothers! They are sentient beings, gifted with intelligence and respect! There are some who have feathers! Like us!

He then looked to the ground.

You know ... I too have suffered this kind of rumor! Many say that I'm crazy and stupid. I am a communist monster, a dirty red has no place in France ... I understand Spanish.

He then raised his eyes, watching the crowd with eyes fixed.

-Many complain of their newspapers because we do not understand. These complaints, the people received the duck too. Mockery against our newspapers, the term propaganda! Our newspapers are not propaganda newspapers, their newspapers are not newspapers spam! These are means of expression! It remains what, apart from that? We have stolen their hospitals, their land and even their business! But we will not have their freedom to think! You should do what, you, in their place? You have agreed to stop you, to stop writing articles until the USA becomes available?

-Yes. I understand Spanish. And the party also understands Koinmuniste! That is why we want to draw your attention to their condition! For one day, finally, eFrance and eEspagne can live together without war or hate!

He calmed down and turned a page in his notepad.

"I now present the program Koinmuniste Party for the elections for the offices of congressmen."

"To begin, an important note: I would like to recall what the Congress. Congress has not so much power that the President, he just voting laws and may propose some, but it is absolutely not he who directs the state and have a majority in Congress is not enough to change the face of France. As a result, present an ambitious program to Congress does not do much to be part lather. A party really frank with you, as agreed to be the party Koinmuniste, do not present a "program" as one pleases, but rather a guideline and a view to fulfilling its pledge delegates .

The eEspagne and conquest:

First, this case primarily, and I think we are not alone, that is the occupation of eEspagne. Everybody seems to want a peace treaty, but nobody wants to work. The Party Koinmuniste maintains very good relations with the BloqueObrero Internacionalista (BOI), the Spanish Communist Party, and our members already think and act for a happy ending to this story. We are for peace.

Okay, but they refuse our treaties of peace, you will tell me. And fortunately! Request that France? Confiscation of Asturias! You should know that a huge part of the Spanish economy was based on that region. Wanting to fly its regions in Spain is unworthy of a country like ours. It looks like what if we had invaded and they asked our two regions - or even one - high wood as the price for peace? We deny and we initiate a war of exhaustion against them.

What the Party wants to Koinmuniste is a proper peace treaty. France pays all its regions to Spain in exchange for Spain agrees to sign a Non-Aggression Pact and trade agreements on their Iron. The freedom of peoples to self-determination must be stronger than the stupid and nasty revenge or greed (because it is obvious that the French Toast is not an excuse to take Asturias and put your hand in a market that pays a lot of money at the expense of those who lived there before us). We will have more elected delegates, the more our power of persuasion to the government will be strong.

Koinmuniste The Party also wants to push the government to create aids, tutorials, articles and topics in Spanish and English for babies born in France in being Canadian or Spanish and have no help to discover the game This requires , after a few days to leave or die. Tutorials are already being developed by our friends in the BOI.

We also want to allow Quebec to speak freely and we propose to do is use the Koinmuniste Party and its place in French politics to defend its interests in the eyes of all. We also present this month three Quebecers in Congress, and we support our best.


Still in its commitment to equal opportunities and reduce inequities, the Party Koinmuniste expect to continue to promote and support cooperative projects. Cooperatives are businesses run by employees who share the management and profits.

The Party Koinmuniste is also an increase in the minimum wage, currently at 2.5 FRF 2.75 FRF, it may seem little, but that would mean a lot for new players. We pledge to vote any legislation that will improve the conditions of discovery and life of babies.

Media and Social

It is very important to explain the laws to citizens and french what happens in Congress. Indeed, not everyone is a politician or an economist, and what happens in Congress is usually very unclear for the majority of french. That is why the Party is committed to Koinmuniste explain each proposed law through a newspaper that wants to be as objective as possible.

Finally, and in general, the Congress Party Koinmuniste committed to doing their best and to vote at best for equality, solidarity, reflection and pacifism. Votes Party Koinmuniste will be favorable to the people, or will not be. "