The NoS Endorse Emerick for President of The United States (and the auto club).

Day 1,260, 10:14 Published in USA USA by Candor

The NoS Party forum primary ended yesterday, and by a vote of 60% chose to endorse Emerick for President of The United States for a second term.

20% voted for Pfeiffer, and another 20% for George Pumpkinette (who isn’t even on the ballot. Gaylord?) on a 60% turnout.

To be frank, I’ve been taking some time off the last few days, basically two-clicking. I hadn’t paid much attention to the elections. Cromstar wasn’t even listed as a poll option, my bad and apologies. The whole thing went down without much discussion at all, The NoS aren’t all that politically oriented really.

We’re a Dive Bar. In fact, our President passed out before sending our endorsement, which happens quite frequently actually.

Still, we wake up feeling guilty, and mildly responsible, the next morning before lunch (and then not so much again there after), so we decided we’d best get the word out.

Anyway, let the record show: Slosh won the eight-ball tournament, Fishy voted GP, Red abstained, and npaidi passed out. But before all that, The NoS endorsed Emerick..

NoS Party Elections Coordinator
Board of Governing Directors