The King Critically Lion Game(the winners)

Day 2,018, 07:25 Published in Belgium Netherlands by Ministry of eBe Education
The King Critically Lion Game(the winners)

Here we are... theses are the results.
Random numbers decided by First number that comes out = first place... etc.

First place is number:

Second place is number:

3th place is number:

These are the winners!!!

-> Beaverss Tribute to Raskol recieves the price of 2000 BEF

-> el1temkd recieves the price of 1000 BEF

-> Helviro recieves the price of 500 BEF

All other remaining 31 participants will receive an equally divided amounth of curency from the remaining 500 BEF.
Witch add up to 16,12 BEF per participant. This should be enough to get something nice(a waepon or 2-3, foo,...).

These are the other participants(in random order):

* Ekfant - receives 16,12 BEF
* BelgiumGeneral - receives 16,12 BEF
* Ikikere - receives 16,12 BEF
* Cotarius - receives 16,12 BEF
* wazowzky - receives 16,12 BEF
* Yannis de Leeuw - receives 16,12 BEF
* tecuvo - receives 16,12 BEF
* mEd de Leeuw - receives 16,12 BEF
* Konrad Neumann - receives 16,12 BEF
* Alexey Kondratov - receives 16,12 BEF
* NLSP - receives 16,12 BEF
* Icurlybear - receives 16,12 BEF
* SRK.PL - receives 16,12 BEF
* Bobby Teuchan - receives 16,12 BEF
* Vincent Pain - receives 16,12 BEF
* Critically - receives 16,12 BEF
* SX80 - receives 16,12 BEF
* Marko Klis - receives 16,12 BEF
* Nihil.sine.deo - receives 16,12 BEF
* Dan/naD Wilshire - receives 16,12 BEF
* Tony Clifford - receives 16,12 BEF
* Electro Moped - receives 16,12 BEF
* Cooke4444 - receives 16,12 BEF
* Maresal Lengas - receives 16,12 BEF
* AndreasC - receives 16,12 BEF
* schrach - receives 16,12 BEF
* MCKitkat - receives 16,12 BEF
* Viklefou - receives 16,12 BEF
* xSile - receives 16,12 BEF
* Programme Tvvince - receives 16,12 BEF
* Ayleo - receives 16,12 BEF

Prices wilm be distributed tomorrow(Friday).

Enjoy your new money.
I hope this can be done again in the next governments term.

Secretary of Media & FUN