The *I* in EPIC - Roger Griswald

Day 1,055, 12:56 Published in Canada Albania by Roger Griswald

Today EPIC Party members are answering two questions: What am “i” in EPIC? and What does being a part of EPIC mean to me? As a proud member of the Party I wanted to share my thoughts on what I feel I have brought to EPIC, but more importantly what I have gained from being one of its members.

The EPIC Party is a diverse party, comprised of individuals who bring a wealth of knowledge about eCanada and eRepublik. These members include an eCanada forum and IRC admin to a 9 time Congress member and Congress Speaker to Brigadier Generals in the Canadian Armed Forces to Media Mogul writers and Society Builder medalists. EPIC members include citizens active in all facets of eRepublik life from teaching lessons on eCanada's political history to fighting on the front lines with the TCO. EPIC is the certainly the appropriate name for the Party.

I joined the EPIC party about 100 days ago in late June. As a new player I was encouraged to become an active member of the eCanada community by my Congress member at the time Takashi_kun (Current EPIC Ontario Congress-member). When I began looking into all of the Political Parties, I selected EPIC for two main reasons: 1. The EPIC forums are open and all decisions and debates are visible to the public; and 2. The fundamental political stance of being a party of independents is, in my opinion, the best approach to politics in eCanada.

The Egalitarian Party of Independent Canadians (EPIC) is a party with one central goal, the advancement of eCanada. Using the egalitarian approach to decision making has ensured that the Party has stayed focused on its goals and not been subject to the problems that some of the other top 5 parties have unfortunately suffered lately.

As an individual in the EPIC party I have had my voice (as new as it is) treated on equal level with the Party's founders. This quality, unique to the EPIC party, is one of the fundamental reasons that I have been able to grow as rapidly as I have in eRep; the innovative approach of allowing members to explore questions, share and exchange ideas with each other. It is from the support of EPIC community that I have, at only 111 days old, been elected as a Prince Edward Island Congress-member, serve as a Corporal in the CAF, hold a Battale Hero medal, hold the in-game rank of General and write a newspaper on the verge of attaining a Media Mogul award (fingers-crossed).

Hopefully some day I will be able to give back to the party a fraction of what it has given to me.

For more information about EPIC visit the open EPIC party forums and share your ideas for improving eCanada.

Roger Griswald
(I have no fancy signature, yet...)