The greek CP is in PMS!

Day 1,582, 02:20 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria by MattrimCauthon
Dear greek friends,is that the way you want to do your wishes?
You said that we blackmail EDEN....can you tell me what is this?

19:45:07] i impeach TTi
[19:46:01] i impeach TTi
[19:46:05] i want a voting
[19:46:11] NOW
[19:46:21] i impeach TTi
[19:46:23] NOW
[19:46:24] i impeach TTi
[19:46:25] NOW
[19:48:34] CAUSE
[19:48:38] HE IS ACTING
[19:48:44] LIEK AN ASSHOLE
[19:48:50] IS TTi OR EGREECE
[19:48:56] CHOOSE NOW

[19:53] hawkoulis, do you think it is now the moment
[19:53] ??
[19:53] MermaidPrincess
[19:53] yes
[19:53] yes it is
[19:53] he change it the voting
[19:53] TTi you are out man
[19:53] whatwhatwhat is going on?
[19:53] == Nino54 has changed nick to nino54[AL]
[19:53] == mode/#eden.military [+m] by hoffa13
[19:54] hoffa13 i m mad
[19:54] If I see you again talking about stuff like that here voice out
[19:54] you see we have hard battles now
[19:54] talk on fa
[19:54] not here if you want

hawkoulis to Justino Figueiredo and 12 more peopleGeluRomanu, Koze, Atracurium, Endymionis, berinni, TTi09, ChewChewShoe, Acacia Mason, ArikAharon, Gloriux, Absfresh, Dead Forest | 52 minutes ago
If you remian at your position eGReece is out of EDEN !

And I will ask say that we blackmail,right?!?!??

And here what is happening with the aSC who defend the greeks and turks so much:
Permanent banned....huh? This is and the future for eGreece and eTurkey...permanent deleted.
Cheers m8s

P.S And one present for greek CP from bulgarian people: