The eUSA and you: A lesbian relationship (and that's ok).

Day 1,758, 15:45 Published in USA USA by Candor

That’s hot, and perfectly random.

In the beginning, there was you.

You were a freshly minted eAmerican, willing to see what the eLife was all about. You may or may not have read the Welcome Message from our government as you signed up, which may or may not have given you inspiration and some broad direction for your first steps in the game.

You pressed buttons on your screen, following links to the mechanical choices your character was provided.

You read some media articles, which as often as not were boring or confusing or, as often as not, in a language you couldn’t understand.

Yawn. You quit.

Or you stayed! You figured out how to fight for your new country, and for many months you did just that. But you were still bored.

Then, just maybe, you received a PM in game from a stranger asking for “support”, or “friendship”. This was mildly interesting, you thought.

But nah, spam. You quit.

Or you stayed! You made a new friend! And this player answered some questions for you, maybe provided some new links that weren’t on your mechanical board.

You had been vaguely aware that there was some kind of “meta game” going on, but assumed, wrongly, that that most likely consisted of another boring chat forum where other bored people discussed pushing their own button a couple of times.

But this new meta game you discovered brought the colors, and smells and community of the game together for you!

You discovered that the depth of this game was limited only by your own interest and motivation to dig deeper! And you tepidly slid down the rabbit’s hole.

And there you met the community. And you were finally, after months of virtual solitude, playing the real game.

And, as Emerick The Great might say, “A pretty girl is as intoxicating as a homeless man’s sour wine. eRep is a pretty girl. We know, because we drew that face on the sack”.

Join The eUnited States Forums. Join the game.

Dutifully Submitted,

Join the nations top snipe group: General Recruitment Information. Then PM me to join.