The Balkans Are Ours!!! ...Right?

Day 1,681, 13:11 Published in Canada Canada by Shoi12

With Poland and America ending their little scuffle, the attention turns not to Canada and Spain, but to the Balkans, with all its hilariously juicy wars. At one point, the Balkans seemed to fully be under ONE's control. After all, Serbia owned everything in its vicinity, and its allies weren't doing that bad either. But now, due to recent events, the Balkans SHOULD be ours.

There have been three changes since the last time things went in our favor.

1) Croatia is not involved in a war
2) Serbia is in a war
3) Spain is in a war

Because Poland's and US' strengths are on par with each other, the other wild cards, Croatia, Serbia, and Spain, truly make a difference. While ONE's most powerful nations are already in battles, EDEN's Croatia is free to send troops every which way to help their comrades.

Let's start in Bulgaria. Bulgaria is stronger than Turkey, but only slightly. In the past, their superior power helped wipe Turkey, but with backup helping the Turks, they can now overpower the Bulgarians in battle. And Serbia can't help either, battling Albania, who is putting up surprisingly strong results. With no one to push Turkey back, they'll keep this attack going, leading to Bulgaria's wipe if nothing drastic changes.

Greece is in a similar situation. Although FYROM is a bit more powerful, with foreign support, Greece can win, and results have been apparent, with FYROM being down to a single laughable province. In the past, Serbia would have helped their southern allies, but barring wasting gold to open another front, they are powerless to save FYROM.

And in the north, things are going well for Ukraine. While a two-front attack was working effectively against them, with Romania forcing Hungary to divert attention to their own home, Ukraine is having an easy time quickly reconquering their lands against scrappy but inferior Moldova.

All these victories lead up to one thing: a battle against final boss Serbia. The Serbs' greatest mistake will prove to be their attack on Albania. While it looked good at the time, fierce Albanian resistance has bought enough time for at least two more nations (Turkey and Greece) to win their battles and attack Serbia directly. Add that to bountiful support from outside forces and angry Croats, Italians, and Bosnians wanting their land back and willing to revolt for the cause, and you have Serbia's worst nightmare, only because they bought off more than they can chew with Albania.

All hail Albania, the ultimate team player!

Until next time, take care!