test , New Era Top Trumps

Day 1,874, 06:27 Published in Poland United Kingdom by Grogu.

TEST for a new game based on Top Trumps

so far we have 25 cards each own has there own stats based on there profile

date of birth strength battlehero super solider congress rank

you can only play is you have an avatar

You pick 5 cards it is done by selecting a number 1-25 only I will now the numbers and they changed each match.


there will be somewhere , where that stats are then the 1st person plays there card like top trumps

The game is played out though the comments

like Dapper say 12000 strong you would need to find a card to beat that

you get 5 cards and can only use each card once they will be numbered card 1 2 3 4 5

Prizes given for a win and you then go onto a league table with a big prize at the end

Need some testers 🙂