Tempting Fate Again ^_^

Day 1,807, 20:55 Published in India India by DonMogul
Welcome United Aggression!
I would like to welcome you all to our nation. I am sure that our two distinct bodies will soon join together into a stronger whole in the spirit of brotherhood.

You are Forgiven
In my previous article, I attacked Wild Quark for using my name in an article that made promises in my name that I had not in fact made.

I know Wild Quark, that you had no intention of causing me harm. Don't fret too much! I still love you 😁 You are forgiven.

Formula One

I came to a realisation recently, it might not be eRepublik jinxing me but my F1 competitions might be. I don't think F1 has ever gone past round 6!

I would like to tempt fate again, because to be quite frank I need a project to work on to keep me interested in eRepublik. Otherwise what happened a few years ago could well happen again (I forgot to log in one day and that was it for about a year!)

I want to reboot the F1 competition and I would like to extend a special invitation to our new brothers and sisters from United Aggression.

Since this is Formula One, entry to this competition is open world-wide! It does not matter where you hold citizenship, as long as you are a real person and have an IQ higher than 1 you can join!

On a side note: I will be running one race per week. If I am successful in my Presidential campaign, I will only be doing one race every TWO weeks (i'll be busy after all! Running a nation and reshaping the military will take a great deal of effort!)

All I need are 22 interested people!

How It Will Work

When you register interest in the competition, you will be given the chance to tell me what colour scheme you would like for your car!


The software used to simulate our racing season will be a modified version of Grand Prix 4 by Geoff Crammond.

2-3 days before the race is run I upload a video to youtube showcasing the coming track via a hotlap driven by yours truly and commentary on the track by RL driver Mark Webber. It is important for competitors to watch these videos as the information they contain is vital. Competitors will then need to message me their setup for the race weekend before the announced deadline.

Check out this video for an idea of what to expect as the sneak-peek-at-the-track video! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BndVCYEVmnI

Failure to submit a setup before the deadline will result in a 10% BHP penalty on your engine and you will be limited to 6th gear.

Competitors will have three different areas of the car they can adjust and they are:

Downforce (low/medium/high) - help push the car's tyres onto the track and improve cornering forces; and minimising the drag that gets caused by turbulence and acts to slow the car down. In short, more downforce means lower top speed but better cornering. Less downforce means more speed but cornering is a lot more difficult.

Break bias (low/medium/high) - is critical to the stability of a racing car during the braking and during turn-in phase; too much rear brakes will tend to cause the car to spin; too much front and car will not turn in.

Gear ratios (front/medium/rear) - A short gear will result in higher torque but a lower top speed. A long gear will result in lower torque but a higher top speed.

KERS (on/off) - The principle of the system is to use surplus energy that is created by a F1 car while decelerating, into a propelling force. According to the FIA, a kinetic energy recovery system is 'a system that is designed to recover kinetic energy from the car during braking, store that energy and make it available to propel the car'. Be warned that the use of this system will increase the risk of mechanical failures.

3 'Driving' Stages

Free Practice

I implement everyone's setup for their own cars and take the cars around the track for a single hot-lap. The fastest cars will earn performance bonuses for qualifying and the race.


After applying performance bonuses I run 3 stages of qualifying. After the first stage I heavily reduce the ability of the bottom 7 drivers. This is due to the fact that GP4 does not actually have 3 stage qualifying but by doing this I can actually do it to a certain extent.

I run qualifying again. At the conclusion of the second stage I reduce the ability of any car between 11th and 16th but nowhere near as much as the first lot of eliminations.

I run qualifying once more to determine the final grid positions.


I run the race at 20% race distance. I update the driver's standings, constructor's championship etc and move on to the next round!

Every 2nd race will be set at 100% race distance. This will mean drivers will need to come up with pit stop strategies!

How do I Sign Up?

Message me or reply in the comments! We have a total of 11 teams (or 22 individual driving slots).


I will then ask you what you would like your team name to be and for your colour scheme.

For the first time in eRepublik Formula One you can join forces with a friend in the same team!

What are you waiting for?