Surviving the CPF Zombie Apocalypse

Day 2,210, 22:07 Published in Canada Canada by Rylde

Time to rally others hoping to stave off the CPF enduced zombie apocalypse by finding something to kick the crap out of. These CPF elected and supported leaders aren't going to find us entertainment then I say lets go make our own.

After almost 2 months of my Homeland being given away for a song its time to look at liberating NWT. There are few RL NWT players around but the 2 of us are proud of are ballsack freezing winter wonderland.

The media is already dying and if you don't think so one only has to look as far as Oinyo's video of one of the most boring CPs to ever exist claiming to be the cure to what ails the country.

Nothing beats boredom like some artificially created drama and warfare. Its the best were gonna get these days. If anything giving the CPF a swift boot to the ass for annoyance is a victory in itself.

So if your bored and want to avoid turning into a CPF zombie lets hunts some 3rd world tenants for sport and entertainment. If your interested shoot me a pm. Bring your own everything I'm not operating a charity here.

After the battle and celebrating is done get the hell off my land because the south side of the great slave belongs to me.