Spam spam spam spam SPAMMITY SPAM!

Day 1,723, 20:08 Published in India India by DonMogul

This article is going to be one of the shortest of my eRepublik career! I also seem to have 3 articles written in the last 3 days.... hmmmmm!

Lottery Results

Congratulations to ShockWavve!

ShockWavve even answered the bonus question ("Who was DonMogul's first and only eRepublik love?) correctly. The answer of course was the dearly beloved persian princess 2011!

There would have been an eMarriage if I was successful in my (technically) second run for Presidency. Ahhh well...

I still want to know how you knew of her Shock! I was pretty sure no one would have got that answer!


We still have quite a few gaps in the grid. Send me the info requested in my previous article and get involved! I'm putting up the prize pool of 100 GOLD!

eRepublik IPL

Yes the General Enterprises IPL is back! Again, read the previous article for details!

I'm looking to see how I can make the IPL a bit more interactive than last time so stay tuned! In the meantime get those bids in!