Some of the most famous foods around the world + Update

Day 2,834, 12:00 Published in Iran Iran by ¤Anon.7904407¤

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1- The main dish of every Iranian is rice. If no meat or vegetable is added to rice it is called Chelo (above Picture) otherwise it is called Polo (or in English it is called Pilaf).

Polo (Pilaf)
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2- Kabab (Kebab in English): Very popular Iranian culinary. There many kinds of Kebab. Although the main meat is lamb but the meat of chicken, venison, ... are used as well.
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One of the most delicious kebabs is Kebab Koobideh.

It is usually eaten by Chelo, Yogurt Juice (Called doogh), Tomato, raw onion, pickle.
One of the most delicious Kebabs is Kenjeh which is meat laid in lemon juice or yogurt for a long time then cooked on fire.

It can be eaten with chelo or with bread.

3- Ghormeh Sabzi (Green stew): An Iranian herb stew .Ghormeh (from Azeri Turkish Qavurma) means stewed and Sabzi is Persian word for herbs. The main ingredients are a mixture of sauteed herbs, consisting mainly of parsley, leeks or green onions, coriander, seasoned with the key spice of "shanbalileh" (dried fenugreek) leaves. The herb mixture has many variations; any dark bitter green can be used (kale, mustard greens, turnip greens, etc., all work, although none are part of the original recipe).

This mixture is cooked with kidney beans or black-eyed peas, yellow or red onions, black lime (pierced dried limu-Omani Persian lime), and turmeric-seasoned lamb or beef.The dish is then served with chelo (Persian rice)

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4- Tahchin: Another Iranian cuisine which easily cooked and very delicious. The ingredients are rice, yogurt, meat, saffron, eggs, ...
The meat can be either lamb, venison, chicken, ....

5- Halim Badenjan: A traditional food which is made by onion, eggplant, mint, ... and is eaten with bread.

6- Massaman curry, Thailan😛 Emphatically the king of curries, and perhaps the king of all foods. Spicy, coconutty, sweet and savory, its combination of flavors has more personality than a Thai election.

Even the packet sauce you buy from the supermarket can make the most delinquent of cooks look like a Michelin potential. Thankfully, someone invented rice, with which diners can mop up the last drizzles of curry sauce.

“The Land of Smiles” isn’t just a marketing catch-line. It’s a result of being born in a land where the world’s most delicious food is sold on nearly every street corner.

7- Neapolitan pizza, Italy: Spare us the lumpy chain monstrosities and “everything-on-it” wheels of greed.

The best pizza was and still is the simple Neapolitan, an invention now protected by its own trade association that insists on sea salt, high-grade wheat flour, the use of only three types of fresh tomatoes, hand-rolled dough and the strict use of a wood-fired oven, among other quality stipulations.

With just a few ingredients -- dough, tomatoes, olive oil, salt and basil (the marinara pizza does not even contain cheese) -- the Neapolitans created a food that few make properly, but everyone enjoys thoroughly.

8-Lobster, global: Forget all your fancy, contrived lobster dishes deployed by showoff chefs eager for Michelin endorsement. When you have a best food as naturally delicious as these little fellas, keep it simple. The best way to enjoy lobster is simply to boil it and serve with a side of melted butter and slice of lemon.

9- Lasagna, Italy: Second only to pizza in the list of famed Italian foods, there’s a reason this pasta-layered, tomato-sauce-infused, minced-meaty gift to kids and adults alike is so popular -- it just works.

10- Soulvaki, Greece: is a popular Greek fast food consisting of small pieces of meat and sometimes vegetables grilled on a skewer. It is usually served in a pita sandwich with garnishes and sauces, or on a dinner plate, often with fried potatoes. The meat usually used in Greece and Cyprus is pork, although chicken and lamb may also be used. In other countries and for tourists, souvlaki may be made with meats such as lamb, beef, chicken and sometimes fish (especially swordfish).
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11- Sarma, Republic of Macedonia (FYROM): minced meat and cabbage
Sarma is a dish of grape, cabbage, monk's rhubarb or chard leaves rolled around a filling usually based on minced meat, or a sweet dish of filo dough wrapped around a filling often of various kinds of chopped nuts. It is found in the cuisines of the former Ottoman Empire from the Middle East to the Balkans and Central Europe. It is also known as Bedrudin among the Bosnians who migrated to USA.
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12- Pörkölt, Hungary: is a Hungarian stew with boneless meat, paprika, some vegetables and no potato.

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13- Bean paste with smoked meat, Romania: Bean paste, a traditional culinary delicacy originating from Transylvania.