Soldiers of Ireland

Day 1,035, 17:17 Published in Ireland Ireland by Irish Department of Defence

This goes out to all the soldiers of Ireland. IDF, ICA, citizens, allies and all lovers of freedom.
You know what it coming. You have been reading the press. Get ready. The call could come at any time. We will free Northern Ireland.

Now for the IDF business.

In all the commotion about the pending event in Northern Ireland there is other business to inform the Irish citizenry of.

Last Sunday the IDF quickly mobilized and went to the aid of our Canadian allies in the Battle of Wales. We did not have huge numbers but we put on a good showing.

I am announcing that the IDF will continue these types of mobilizations. At the start it will be once a week, hopefully getting up to at least twice a week. We will give 24 hours notice, pick a time and battle and then go fight as a unit. Many IDF soldiers move around and fight to improve their training and gain experience but this will be fighting as a group. The IDF needs more action and mobilization and this will help in that area. We will be calling this series of ongoing fights Neart ár ngéag - The Strength of our Limbs. We will strengthen our limbs in order to do the necessary work that the President asks us to do.

These mobilizations will be self funded for the most part, relying on donations and contests to raise money to help equip our soldiers. Based on the gold spent on our first battle we should have enough already from the donations received from our first contest for several fights. That does not mean we can not use your money. All proceeds go towards the fighting and the IDF.

Due to possible upcoming events, the next round of fights may be put off for a few days. If things come to pass I don't think anyone will be complaining about lack of fighting.

Notification will be sent by this newspaper or by private message.

If you are reading this and are not a member of the IDF and would like to be...please go to this link

Anthony Colby - Co Minister of Defence
Donovan Thomas - Co Minister of Defence
Ian Arbuckle - Chief of Staff
