So where are we going you say?

Day 707, 01:05 Published in Australia Australia by Arthinian

I am 'new' to eAustralia and have been trying to figure out what is the 'Greater Purpose/Destination' of eAustralia and her people.

Sure, i hear and read from many senate wannabee's and leaders that they will represent the needs of people and will do their best to serve eAustralia and make her 'the best she can be'.
It is a noble cause to want to your best for your country, we all want to that...after all, we are Aussies! But it takes more than words to make a great country.

I am tired of the verbage and 'fluff' that is floating out of many....maybe the reason we have such a low percentage of active players is because that sick of doing nothing and going nowhere?
Could it be that here at eAus, just like in RL people want to follow after vision and towards a destination, a destination better than where they are at now?

It is my opinion that eAus will never be what it could be until we decide who, what and where we want to be as an eNation.

I want to support leaders who will take us as an eNation to heights we have never been to before, but where is the destination we are headed?

I mean really......where are we going?

The endless arguments about Q5 hospitals and reclaiming WA with force are usefull to a point, but every time we talk about the future nobody is giving any clear, concise, overarching vision or 'Greater Purpose' for our amazing eCountry!

So where would you like to see eAustralia by....let's say....January next year?
By this i mean...tell me your vision as the people of eAus....
Would we like to see 4000, 5000 citizens?
would we like to have a Q5 Hospital in every state?
Would we like to have a greater percentage of active players?
and how do you think we can achieve these goals?

I know this is my first article and as a newer player i want to make eAus what it can be and play my role, whatever that may be! So please grant me the benefit of the doubt and at least be open to the questions, just as i am open to the answers.

Every great advance, from every great nation, must have great vision for what she and her people can be, will be, should be.

So eCitizens and us some vision, some passion, some direction and together we shall make them reality!!

Thanks for reading 'The Ooze'

The Editor