So Much to Talk About...

Day 1,803, 19:22 Published in India India by DonMogul

DonMogul for Country President!

I am proud to announce that for the third time in my eRepublik career I have been endorsed by my Party President for the Presidential elections coming soon. With my experience and vision, I am sure that India and I would make a great team for the November term.

Also, November 1 being my RL birthday 😁 I'd love my present from India to be the President's chair!

First off I would like to unveil my proposed Cabinet team for the term should I be electe😛

Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces
I will be taking personal charge of the military, I have a number of ideas and experiments I would like to try out. Details to come in my manifesto.

Minister of Foreign Affairs
Arawn will be continuing in his role as MoFA. We cannot deny the results that Arawn brings to this Ministry!

Minister of Finance
I have invited one or two people to join the Finance Ministry. However, they have not yet responded to my messages. So this position is still open! Want the job? Send me a message detailing your experience and otherwise.

Minister of Internal Affairs and Minister of Media and Culture
Wild Quark

Reminder to all Ministers, you are free to choose a deputy for each Ministry you hold. Choose your deputies and get them to contact me for final approval.

My take on the MU Situation

I was going to include my manifesto in this article, but this current 'crisis' and the fact that it might be my job to keep an eye on things next month I decided to pursue this issue personally and closely.

I read articles from the supporters and the detractors of this foreign MU coming to Indian soil to live. After reading those articles I was undecided. Given that I may be CP next month, I contacted CFovetS, Addy Lawrence and Zina80 and interrogated them a little. Here is what was sai😛

My conversation with CFovetS
1) Why India? Why not some other nation that share the same allies?
India does share our allies. We are a Pro-EDEN MU. The USA has become more ONE oriented, even though they say it's just CTRL. As aMC in EDEN I wanted to move to an EDEN oriented country.

2) What does your MU aim to do in India?
I have been looking for a new country to move a portion of my MU to for a while now. As you probably know eIndia is in the Garden of EDEN. I have been watching closely how India has been doing militarily and it's obvious that it needs some help. Our goal is to help boost the output of your military and to be part of a nice community. I have heard many nice things about the people who play in India, so it seemed like a logical choice. Also, I know that people rarely move there so I knew it would be possible to get 15-20 citizenship passes for all of the people in my MU who would like to try something different.

3) What are your PERSONAL goals in India?
My person goal is to help as much as possible, in any way I can. My MU (and myself included) have promised to do nothing politically until we gain the trust of the community. Even then, we would just like the opportunity months down the road to be able to possibly run for congress, just like in any country we would be a part of. I intend on trying to stimulate the economy in India, I am already employing many people over the normal wages. I make sure to buy as much WRM from the market in Inda as possible. More income for Inda = the availability of more money for the Military for MPPs and also to help supply young players.

4) OK, so you are unhappy with changes in domestic and foreign US policy. What changes, in your opinion, have brought the US to lean towards ONE?
Ah well, MPPs with Mexico, Spain and Poland would be the obvious ones. Ever since the thought of "CTRL" began basically, because the USA has been trying to alienate TEDEN players. They went as far as saying that EDEN was trying to PTO the USA, which is not the case, and if they still wanted to be aligned with the TEDEN players in the country they wouldn't make accusations like that.

5) What precisely is it that your MU wants to achieve in India that you couldnt do if you did NOT have citizenship?
I already told you that I was looking for a new place to base my MU out of. In order for people to join a MU they have to have citizenship in that country. There is no other way to do it. It how the game mechanics work. India seems like the perfect place for us to make an impact militarily and economically and you can easily accommodate the number of CS passes necessary.

My Conversation with Addy Lawrence

1) Why India? Why not some other nation that share the same allies?
What attracts me to India is that my friends are going there and these friends are the best parts of this game for me. I broke away from this group to return to eCanada and I missed them. When the India possibility came up, I saw it as a chance to get back involved with the group.

2) What does your MU aim to do in India?
I intend to follow our MU's daily order. CFovetS was my Minister of Defence for three terms of CP in eCanada and he did a tremendous job, I owe him a debt of gratitude and loyalty to him in India is what I intend to do.

3) What are your PERSONAL goals in India?
I would like to get back into politics again, eventually. PP or congress, anything to whet the appetite. I also want to continue working toward my goal of making 1,000,000 CC and India's bonuses will help with that.

My Conversation with Zina80

1) Why India? Why not some other nation that share the same allies?
2) What does your MU aim to do in India?
3) What are your PERSONAL goals in India?

With all the craziness going on in this game, your suspicion about most of our MU wanting to move to India is just & fair. We are a group of people who like to play this game differently which is with respect, honor & dignity. USA was becoming a mad house and it's been a while we were looking for a new country to start all over again. That country had to be pro EDEN, not corrupt as more ecountries nowadays and small so we decided on India because it was more what we were all looking for. Most of us are strong in military and fighting for the right cause is what we do. We are here to help you guys become stronger, have a better economy and hopefully blend in & elive in a nice & clean community. That's about it really. As you can see from all the people in our MU, some like the politics side of the game as well so I am sure after a couple of months and gaining more trust & getting to know each other better, some of us would like to be part of the congress as well. I personally, don't like politics and am more of a military gal. I may become a party member & support a party but politics is not my favorite subject.

After talking to these individuals, I am quite happy for these three to be considered as three of our brothers and sisters. I personally would urge our Congress to NOT accept any further citizenship applications from members of the MU until 3-4 months have passed.

I appreciate the sentiments amongst many of you who are hesitant about allowing whole groups instead of individual foreign citizens. Remember, however, the 'foreigners' who have made India great. The likes of David Forde, myself and a whole legion of others. To write a full list would probably require a 10 part series!

Imagine how much poorer India would be without foreign help!

In short, I support these three people. Together we shall build a close bond of friendship and brotherhood. As long as they keep their side of the yard clean, so will we.