Shooting at a Primary School in the United States...

Day 1,850, 21:03 Published in United Kingdom Netherlands by lancer450
UPDATE #1: I just learned this morning that there has been a mass shooting at a primary school in Connecticut in the United States. 27 people are confirmed dead. 18 of the victims are children. There are more confirmed deaths in this shooting than there was at Columbine in 1999. The gunman (possibly gunmen) shot up a kindergarten class. I have deemed it to be absolutely inappropriate, given these recent events, to leave the focus of the article on satire, especially considering the content of the satirical piece, and instead will strike-through the rest of the article out of respect. I apologise. My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and their families.

UPDATE #2: Since my last report, the number of children that were killed has now increased to 20. The shooter's father and mother were also found dead. One was found in Newtown, Connecticut and the other in Hoboken, New Jersey.

UPDATE #3: A list of victims has been release😛 Charlotte Bacon, age 6, Daniel Barden, 7, Olivia Engel, 6, Josephine Gay, 7, Ana M Marquez-Greene, 6, Dylan Hockley, 6, Madeleine F Hsu, 6, Catherine V Hubbard, 6, Chase Kowalski , 7, Jesse Lewis, 6, James Mattioli, 6, Grace McDonnell, 7, Emilie Parker, 6, Jack Pinto, 6, Noah Pozner, 6, Caroline Previdi, 6, Jessica Rekos, 6, Avielle Richman, 6, Benjamin Wheeler, 6, Allison N Wyatt, 6, Rachel Davino, 29, Dawn Hochsprung, 47, Nancy Lanza, 52, Anne Marie Murphy, 52, Lauren Rousseau, 30, Mary Sherlach, 56, and Victoria Soto, 27.


This is a diary I wrote whilst my university was on lock-down due to a standoff between police and five murderous gunmen. This is my story...

"Diary of a Captive Fullerton University Student

Day 20: mzCielly just got mad at me for spelling her name wrong. It’s not my fault It’s not spelled politically correct.....This is the darkest timeline….. I have to pee but if I use a bottle it’s gonna get everywhere...I need a bowl...I just finished my pudding cup who knows when the next time I get food will be....mzCielly scares she might crack any minute. Molly Jo keeps calling herself precious....we are all slowly losing our minds ….. The PA system comes on but I don’t hear anything..... mzCielly won't share the crackers....these are dark times.

Day 40: It is day 40 and one man is found, the other two are still on the run. A gnawing hunger is ripping my stomach apart and I think of the Turkey Burger I denied myself earlier--what a fool I was. mzCielly searches the internet for the outside world, we find a picture of Taylor Lautner. Perhaps it is the lack of nutrition or insanity of captivity, but the dude looks good... these are dark times.

Day 42: I miss the grass. What colour did it used to be? My stomach keeps talking but I don’t know how to respond...tensions rise in the room...we compared mzCielly to someone on "High School Musical." She kicked us out but we got back in....I found popcorn but splitting one bag between four people doesn’t last long..... I don’t know how long I can take this....the SWAT team has come....still no sign of the suspects….this poster of Justin Bieber is staring at me .. I feel his eyes on the back of my neck...I need substance... I need food...I need the outside world…

Day 60: We are told the gastronome will open thirty minutes after lock down is over...We would be happy if we knew it would ever end…the Disney fireworks start. I’m happy someone is feeling joy right now… I would do anything for one of those turkey legs. All I feel is sorrow…I have a new bed… it’s under another bed. It’s pretty snazzy… well it was till Cody Caine almost pummeled me to the ground… We are beginning to turn on each other.....the suspect is now tweeting. How is this possible? Why is this happening? *sigh* Will this ever end? Will we ever live happily ever after? ...Does such a thing even exist? ...The only joy I feel is when I blow into a Puffs Kleenex… they feel like clouds upon my nose…these are dark times.

Day 61: I have finally found food. Never has a microwave burrito ever tasted so great. Loud booms echo outside--the Disneyland fireworks--and I think of a happier time - a time before I was trapped inside for five hours. The darkest timeline not overtaking my life. As "21 Jump Street" plays, Molly Jo decides Channing Tatum does not look good with long hair and wonders how it would have been to party with Robert Downey Jr before he was sober. I cannot return home at this point… I stay over at mzCielly’s and Danaith’s room and hold my pillow. We have been promised food after clearance, however too many promises have been broken and I cannot face it anymore. The Darkest Timeline.

Day 65: Life seems dark... and dismal. We are slowing losing our minds. mzCielly is trying to figure out a way to escape. Molly Jo can't stop watching “21 Jump Street.” Is she even really watching it? Or is she just staring at the television? irule777 is in Cody Caine’s way and Cody almost crushed him a couple of times. Cody can't even remember that irule777 has made a bed under his. irule777 can't even think to react fast enough and get out of the way. That's how long we've been here. We found peace and hope in some burritos and a hot pocket we found over an hour ago... They were gone in the blink of an eye... we were so hungry... the smell of the room serves as a reminder that we ate. It helps us keep the hunger down. I look to pinterest as a beacon of hope. I hope to one day share the ideas I’ve found on that website with other people outside of this room I’m trapped in. Trapped. That's what we are, really. It's so hard to wrap my fragile mind around that. I look at the ground and I see pieces of my mind there. This is the darkest timeline.

Day 67: A brilliant flash of light shines through the windows. It is the helicopters, and although I can't hear them now I know they are still near. Below us people walk across the piazza. As I look around the room, all four of us, broken soldiers entrapped by four walls, write our journals. We share with you our struggles of being locked down. My mind wanders and I think of Lionel Ritchie. "All Night Long" plays in my head; I do not want this to last forever "because once you get started you can't sit down... All Night long.... All night long...." The darkest timeline.

Day 69: A funny number but a serious issue...”This Is How We Do It” by Montell Jordan blasts from our mouths…this is one of the better times in life...but the awkward ending to the song reminds us that we are still confined between the four walls of this room…We take a peek outside. We see people walking around. Have they found the answer to our freedom? ...But if I got out where would I go? ...This room is all that I know. *sigh* A light shines through the room… it’s a helicopter… is this the end? Is freedom in the palm of my hand?....The helicopter flies away. I guess freedom is now just a figment of my imagination has expanded to worlds I didn’t even know existed... I have become a person that I didn’t know existed ...we are all writing…we are all becoming one (NO HOMO) ...the Christmas lights around the room give me hope...maybe Santa will bring me freedom… maybe....just maybe…this is the darkest timeline…

Day 70: They threatened to eat my weave..................THESE are the darkest times.

Day 72: The world gets darker. Or are the lights just going out? My mind can't handle this anymore. “21 Jump Street” is over. What do we do now? All we can do is sit here and write. Cody Caine is on a roll. He can't stop writing. He has so much to say. I can't even speak right now... let alone think. I've been trapped for too long. They threatened to eat my weave... How could they do such a thing? We're losing our humanity... what we would give to eat a hot meal. We didn't have dinner. We're starving. It's been too long since we last ate. These must be signs of an apocalypse. Molly Jo is starving... she's losing it. I fear the moment she cracks. She might actually eat her roommate's weave – MY weave. Cody Caine won't give up without a fight though... We look to the posters on mzCielly’s wall. Justin Bieber, the Cullen family, and Marilyn Monroe… they all look at us and we remember the outside world. They are small reminders of society that awaits us. At least I hope... mzCielly claims that I'm her echo. I disagree. An echo... I wish I could remember what that sounds like. Again... it's been too long since I’ve seen civilization. This is the darkest timeline.

Day 100: Freedom has never tasted so sweet. We have just been released. It won't be another half hour until the gastronome opens for us to get food. It's so strange to be back in society again. I'm just glad that we never completely lost our humanity or our minds. We are free. Free at last, free at last! A flash of light in the darkest times… freedom has never tasted so sweet... we have been cleared…my mind can't fathom this idea...freedom...I have my life took so much time the fight was brutal but it was worth it…victory thy name is lancer450!!!"