Several presidents got temp ban

Day 830, 10:53 Published in Serbia Japan by kispisti007

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Several EDEN presidents used illegal ways to make their country get more revenues. The bug could have been found in the list of the law proposals. That is why the president of Poland, Croatia and The Philippines was banned!
It was the same reason why the Russian president was banned, but the Chilean president got a permanent ban!
In addition, the president of Peru was also permanently suspended because of crating multiple citizen accounts, but they don't dare to change him because thy don't know the second candidate.

I think that it is a real Epic Fail! Though I doubt if only so much people cheated. Now it turns out about more and more presidents that they have used exploits.

It can be a huge harm to the game, because it was the leaders of the countries who broke the rules. Is it mean that everything is allowed here?
An other question is that why is it only a temporary ban that they got? The game rules clearly says that a permanent ban should be given, and everybody should get it not depending on which federation they belong to. Furthermore the Chilean got a permanent ban, while the others got only temporary bans....

UPDATE: The bug was only the fact that if a president handed in the declaration of war, the gold didn't disappear from the state, but it should have! This money was taken from the Croatians. The biggest trouble is that this bug exists at least for three months...
rocker-ma Croatian e😜resident permanently suspended for multiplied citizen accounts, in December, 2009
4ept Russian e😜resident permanently suspended for multiplied citizen accounts, in December, 2009
GP.1 Croatian e😜resident temporarily suspended for taking advantage of system exploits.
