School's Out

Day 6,045, 19:12 Published in Japan Japan by metehan2010

Dear eJapanese Citizens,

We had quite a month in May with several items to report back but first of all I would like to thank you all for letting me carry the CP title 3 months in a row. Duration was not intentional from my side and much needed change has occurred thanks to our newly elected CP RollerCoa5ter accepting the nomination before the elections. Wishing him the best of luck during his first term as the CP.

I will still be taking care of the finances in June as the Governor. No one else has any access to any of our orgs as of today. Only our new CP, if he chooses to do so, can gain access later.

Speaking of finances, let me start reporting the important developments occurred last month regarding our capital.

• As announced here we experienced an unfortunate event due to my complacent manner handling the password of the shared org. The issue has been resolved, money has been returned and the player involved has been temporarily banned (5 days) by the admins. Somewhat interesting that he placed a comment in the article after his temp ban was over.

• As a plus, we were able to renegotiate our deal with Finland to reduce the financial strain we have been under because of the amount of tax return obligations. The detail of the new deal is only shared with the 2 former CPs and 2 of the top 5 party presidents (I can’t add the other two to a group message  ). This is a very significant accomplishment for us as it gives us a chance to almost break even to avoid excessive cc accumulation in our treasury (Math question for those of you who are curious about numbers)

o Tax return obligations for May (days 6013-6043 both inclusive)
 Finland 9397222 (not including the discount)
 Canada 1705085 (paid already)
 Portugal 1569677 (paid already)
 Greece 439712
 Nigeria 67562
 Hungary 52473

o Tax returns we will receive from Poland UAE Estonia and Pakistan: 288947 each

• Another plus for the past month was Monetary Market transactions. As mentioned in last month’s report it was looking promising and thanks to several events, although chaotic at times, MM rates stayed profitable and transactions were lucrative. We made close to 2.7m cc in MM profits. This is another significant accomplishment for us.

Battlefield for eJapan was also more eventful than usual during my last term. While I do not agree with everything he does to accomplish what’s on his mind, draIeNS89 and I resonate in similar frequencies most of the time (long way to say he drives me crazy goddamit!!!). A lot had to happen to make Hungary adventure a reality and it is all his fault lol… just kidding it was Think Twice’s fault 101%…

Jokes aside: This was a risky move to land on the lion’s den where erepublik has some of the most hostile real wars happening at the moment. However, I could say that we were able to maneuver through the political obstacles to execute what we intended and let it end in a natural way rather than back off immediately after receiving several “friendly advices” literally minutes after placing the AS Law. With that said, there is still a possibility of retaliation from countries that are not our TW partners if/when they get a chance. Neither draIeNS89 nor I care much about the possibility of retaliations except maintaining the existing relationships with whom we can truly call friends and those bridges are still intact. While, admittedly, we created a communication mess, it essentially gained us the time we needed to finalize certain discussions before a difficult decision was made.

You won’t have me to slow draIeNS89 down this month so good luck folks, we will need it 🙂 Although RollerCoa5ter is probably harder to trick into clicking buttons 🙂

As far as farming goes, we are in a comfortable, almost luxurious, position in relation to our size and military power. We are maintaining 15 TWs with minimal issues. We briefly extended our record to 16 TWs and they were all active all at once (June 5th, 1:50pm erepublik time). Politically, we are also in a very good spot. We have amazing TW partners and we manage open and honest conversations to further our relationships with them. I fully enjoyed these last 3 months so once again, thank you for following along...

That is all I had to report back for now. Let me know if you have any questions so I can find a way not to answer them.

In Suplilumas We Trust, like there was another option?
