Saik for Volunteer Army party president

Day 997, 14:14 Published in North Korea Spain by saik

Perdonad por el articulo, es para la presidencia de partido en Corea del Norte aunque un votico se agradece! 😁

At first i want to apologize for the inconveniences this article may cause to my suscribers that live outside North Korea


( google chinese version bellow 😁 i couldnt find a traductor, sorry.)

Saik for Volunteer Army party president


When i came over here this country was nearly destroyed and is proud to see how this country is growing upp really fast without the threat of a Take Over. The thing i like most of this country is the mix of cultures, people from all over the world came here trying to make this country bigger.

Now i am a active citizen of NK, congressman and Embassador in Spain. As many citizens now my priority is the economy, the lack of jobs and the nation treasury defending a changing economy when it needs to.

Is good to know that you people are making my dream of a prosperous North Korea true.

But today im writing for my personal newspaper becoase i really want to make it more personal (usually i write in my org. North Korean Pride) becoase i want to aplly for the presidency of the first party of NK. The Volunteer Army.

Here are my proposals and promises for all voters of North Korea:

Improve realitons with all parties, focusing on City Party to make a common front and fight together to build a prosperous NK

Estrict control of candidates for Congress, we need valid and active congressmans to help improving this country day by day.But also i know how important is to have new congressmans to refresh the congres and also our minds 🙂

Build Volunteer Army forum, talking with our chinese brothers to make a portal that both communities can acces.

Continue with the good relationship with the chinese brothers, having an assistant that can represent the desires of this community without the bareer of languaje.

This are my proposals for my party, but also for each citizen of North Korea.

Thank you for reading and have a nice weekend

Kind Regards
Saik. | Congressman and North Korean Embassador in Spain


Saik for Volunteer Army party president

當我來到了這裡幾乎摧毀了這個國家,並自豪地看到這個國家是如何發展 upp真快沒有威脅的接管。我最喜歡的東西,這個國家是混合的文化中,人們從世界各地來到這裡嘗試並 ,使這個國家大



但今天我的個人即時通訊寫作報紙 我真的很想讓更多的個人(通常是我寫在我的牛津。北朝鮮的驕傲)我想為總統的第一方的NK細胞。在義勇軍。


改進 realitons與各方[/ b]上側重於市委作出一個共同陣線,爭取共同建設一個繁榮的NK細胞

Estrict控制並 名候選人,國會 [/ b]上,我們需要有效和積極的congressmans,幫助改善該國一天day.But我也知道如何重要的是有新的congressmans刷新大會黨,也是我們的頭腦:)

建立義勇軍論壇 [/ b]上與我們中國的兄弟們說,使一個門戶網站,兩個社區可以存取權限。

[答案]繼續進行良好的合作關係與中國的兄弟們 [/ b]上有一個助手,可以代表這個社會的願望沒有.



Saik. | Congressman and North Korean Embassador in Spain