Ryldes Best and Worst of eCanada's 2013

Day 2,250, 22:26 Published in Canada Canada by Rylde

All Hail Lord Stanleys Cup!!!

I saw Pats article and had the same idea but procrastinated and now there's war so much more busy. I find its easier to leech off his fine set of questions by trying to give unbiased picks and runner ups for each category. I will also include my worst for each. Well most anyways.

And here we go.

Best Country President 2013

Addy lawrence
As much as it pains me to make this pick he was the stabalizing leader we needed post wipe. He put in the time to get us back on track and even managed to help out lesser allies and secure there congresses all in one month.

Runner Up
Homer J Simpson
A thankless job being in charge of a wiped country desperate to look for someone to free them while looking for someone to blame for failure. He stuck it out like a champ for 3 months doing what he could.

Worst Country President
Many might say this is a biased pick but when you look back very little of substance was done during his term. he likes being in the center of power as CP and sending out pms internationally. As a CP probably one of the biggest abusers of delegating out power to cabinet and i see that as a sign of a weak leader.

Runner Up
I led a good war in the beggining of 2013. We outmanuevered a military equal. In the end we got outmanuevered by that powers allies and were taken to the cleaners. I also missed out on a second term to go down with the ship and organize an alamo while shout feeds were new i left my party to read CPF party feed. Cost me an election. Left the country to USa in disgust not thinking it would be 6 long months till I could return. I maintain some of my defenses but when your in the chair you F8cked when sh8t goes wrong.

Best war Organizer
Myself Rylde
Yeah I picked myself so not completly Pat harper Style. I do put in the time and effort and make th best of citizen donations when I get them turning them into wins or very close rounds on the field. Still one of the biggest recievers of private war donations. If anyone recalls Spains first win on our soil in 2013 it was an epic battle of tanking, supplying and hiring mercs before CO's were out.

Runner Up
Pat Harper
His AS was ultimitaley a loss but man if it wasn't a extended tilt with all nations taking the field to fight to keep us off the ground. To make it what it was took planning.

Worst war organizer
Exalted Druid
There was alot of effort put into the estonia AS I know. I just can't forgive the simple fact Finland was not in our MPP's. If were going to attack a relatively friendly countries enemy that carries a diffrent timezone it makes sense to have each other as MPP so you can support each other against a common foe. Military fail 101.

Best Politician
Well when you can turn friendliness and charisma and a inactive 2 clicker party into a CP medal you are doing something right. You have to give credit where credit is due and the fact he got elected to the chair with his skill set admits that he's annoying as F8ck but is the best of 2013.

Runner Up
I butt heads with him on a regular basis but you have to respect the multiple CPF PP for his determination to keep CPF at the tp of the country. Made the party intresting enough to develop newbs and up and comers like Lance lucky, Jonathan edwards and jacks broken heart. Definately worth a mention and almost a nod for top spot.

Honorable Mention
Made a splash with promises of better american relations while swinging his visa around thumping all in his way all to a CP medal. In the end Canada was not a fan of a foreigner with new citizenship leading the country in a american style with little to no care for our procedures and strong armed himself into obscurity

Not much to explain here. Made a trip through every political party trolling and shouting his twisted greatness and prmises of whatver he promises this day or that.

Runner up
His anger and hate got the better of him with his hardline approach to MDP. In the end it was a vessel to get a few people elected to congress before IPC was folded into CW and forgotten about. In hindsight proobably better off getting his congress gold monthly for the few IPC got. Now its none.

Best Young Player
I can't pick one. IMO any player that sticks it out in this sh*thole deserves props. Guys who come to mind though are the ones who have won PP elections and gone to congress.

Joshur and Jonathan Edwards


Best Old fart
He is what he is. A Canuck cheering, beer drinking, semi tank, semi troll and semi annoying old fart. In my eyes thats alot of entertainment and entertainment trumps all.

Runner Up
Goran Thrax
A quiet unassuming player of the game has been the backbone of a large portion of the canadian army through CoI. even though he takes residence in USA he is definately a player getting sh*t done for the good of the cause.

Military Dictatorship Party
An old Political party full of all old players. Brought you such events as getting bored and booting out our allies of the country to negate the zombie apocalypse. Also went against Govt orders to throw out our Spainish Oppressors while Oinyo was kissing A55 the whole time to our enemies. They get the nod for being the most stubborn and rigid group of old farts for 2013.

GovT said No?

Does it anyways.

Best Newspaper
His articles are well known and many used to wait for his in depth explanations of international warfare and maps of before and after during conflicts. i'm one who misses them thats for sure.

Runner Up
Shere Richard parker

Nuff said

Worst Newspaper
Yeah I clicked that link to the youtube video to.

Runner Up
Didn't finish my game of thrones or Muppet mash up. In my defence on offense 2 it was kinda taken out of my hands. Thx anotherlamedrunk u a55

Biggest Failure

Spent half the year wiped and even after coming back from the brink still can't find the internal happy zone unless were putting bullets into enemies instead of our political opposition.
I'm unbiased in this article and i think it is what it is and deserves the nod. Currently were on a better path but thats because war is upon us and MDP and CPF have put there diffrences aside for the better of the cause. Not all is rainbows and sunshine on the political landscape as CW is still in forced exile.

Best Tank
Connor Macleod
For the whole of 2013 he stuck by us and swung for the fences whenever the oppurtuniy presented itself. He definately deserves the honor of the best tank of 2013 for eCanada.

All props and respect Connor

Runner Up
An american immigrant. Had he been here for the entire year we may be singing a diffrent toon with this pick as he punches our enemies in the face like its no ones business. He forces D4 walls to ridiculous advantages all for the joy of doing so.

Another hard hitter who deserves all our respect and thx for making eCanada his home and a stronger force on the field.

You may not agree with all the picks but you must admit considering I'm a very biased player I tried being as very unbiased as possible