RW Change

Day 1,352, 02:49 Published in North Korea North Korea by MeiFawAn

Starting now, being a resistance hero has become much easier. You and other 9 citizens can support (with 1000 local currency) a resistance war and, if you liberate the region, all of you will receive the resistance hero achievement!

You cannot support (with 1000 local currency) or start a resistance war in the following conditions:
- if the region was conquered less than 24 hours ago;
- if the resistance force of your country is currently busy fighting to liberate another region in the same war (for example: Romania has 3 occupied regions: 2 by Serbia and one by Hungary. Romania can open 2 resistance wars at the same time but not in 2 regions occupied by the same country. Romania can open resistance wars like this: one in Serbia and one in Hungary);
- if you do not have 1000 local currency;
- if there is an on going campaign in the conquered region.

You cannot vote or support a resistance movement in another country. Because we consider ilogical/unfair that a citizen from another country interfers with the internal military affairs of your country. So, for example a citizen with Romanian citizenship can only support and finance a RW in a Romanian original region.

If the original owner country reconquers the region, the citizens that voted and supported the resistance war will receive the 1000 local currency back.

As always, we're waiting for your feedback and suggestions by using the contact page.


TO congress😃on't approve anyone's cs requests.