Running For Re-Election: AAP Party News and Aren Perry for AAP Prez

Day 539, 14:14 Published in USA USA by Aren Perry

Hey Everyone!

We have had a busy month that has been quite an interesting ride for me and the AAP. Many things have been accomplished and I want to recognized those who have done so and what they and I have done.

I am happily announcing the re-election campaign of Aren Perry for Party President and Changewillcome for Co-Party President of the AAP.

What we have done:

Website re-vamped
With the help of Cwc, the website of our party has been revamped for more discussion based topics to help build a community atmosphere. If you haven't been there in awhile, or have never joined, I invite you to come join us at .

As always, the struggle for recruitment to work well has been one is been causing problems for the AAP. It requires lots of time and energy as well as effective organization. I believe ClammyJim and Mercer as Co-Heads have been trying their best, but it also requires a solid committed team which is something that has not developed. If you want to become a recruiter, and are serious, please let me or Mercer know! We are looking for you. Soon I will put together a document of what is required of Recruiters if i'm still Party President.

With the help of Seeker1, a party ambassador to the USWP and in real life a doctoral student of politics, I have been trying to revamp our manifesto to be more clear cut and definitive. I have to give Seeker1 credit in getting a lot of it done and putting forth a good effort. While a newer player, I hope people begin to pay attention to Seeker1 as an forthcoming possible political leader.

AAP Party PR
While we were lacking a PR director this month, I have personally been putting out the articles for the AAP trying to get our name out there in a more well known and respected manner. I have not been able to do so as much as I would have liked as this job is busier than I realized when I first took it. Still, I have thoroughly enjoyed it.

Congressional Elections
As always, the AAP attempted to help facilitate smaller parties in their congressional elections. Also, we picked up an extra seat in congress. While the time spent supporting others partially resulted in me not winning my own incumbent seat (Iggy, who got the seat is an admirable congressman for the record) it was worth the sacrifice for the sake of my party. Changewillcome as always was an important asset in this.

AAP Organization Friendship Push
Led by me and Equality have attempted to get more of our members subscribed to the party paper and friended to the party organization for clearer and more effective communciation. While this is hard and still needs to happen, good things happened here. If you haven't yet, search America's Advancement Party and friend the org and subscribe to the newspaper.

So why should you vote for me and Changewillcome?

#1 We have devoted countless hours to serving the party, planning and plotting and writing and getting things out there and done. Communicating with other parties and collaberating to make sure that our party was getting our voice heard and things done in the media, congress, and within our own party.

#2 We have experience running the party. Since we both were party president's this past term, we know what it takes and how to do it. Further, I have previous experience as a congressman and many many other positions in political leadership that I have held and some I currently hold. I have been Head of Recruitment and Changewillcome is still the Head of Congressional Planning.

#3 We still got plans. We have a big advertisement campaign that has yet to quite kick off planned involved in the media to help our party. We are both active and respected members of the society, and I believe that my reputation for multi-partisanship reflects right along with what the AAP believes in and strives to maintain, unity, strength, and respect for all of the eUSA.

Thank you ALL and vote for Aren Perry and Changewillcome for Party President!

Aren Perry,
AAP Party President
Interparty Relations Secretary
3 time former Congressman
Ambassador to Turkey
SADD member
New Player Mentor