Rewrite the Constitution? Why wait for the election?!

Day 742, 14:35 Published in Ireland Ireland by Brian Boru

Ladies and gentlemen, the esteemed vice-presidential candidate has said that a rewrite of the Constitution is on the cards if you vote for uaithne. The idea is that our Constitution doesn't take the game mechanics into account, and that we're slowly reforming it via amendments. He also mentions that the Constitution has "lawyer-speak".

What relevence this has to a Presidential campaign, I do not know.
Any member of the Dail can start a constitutional change, Darragh can start a new constitutional discussion right now if he wanted to, regardless of who is elected President.

Why the song and dance about it?
Put your money where your mouth is Darragh, start this change now if it is so necessary!

Using this as a political issue for an election when you can immediately start to correct it is ridiculous...

I must say that I don't disagree with the idea of scrapping the Constitution.
I think countries, virtual or otherwise, should do that after a while to keep the law fresh and to insure that people agree with the terms.

My problem is that this could have easily been started without the big show about it.
Let's get moving on this ASAP rather than trumpeting it to the skies to no effect!

Brian Boru,